Help...for women i guess.?

im 15. ive been have my period normaly since i be around 12. but i havnt had it since february. is in attendance something wrong with me? im 100% sure im not pregnant, i've never have sex before so yeah...can someone facilitate cause im sorta freaking out here.i quality completely stupid asking cause i have an idea that i should know this..

Pregant and bleeding?

I had like experience. I had a typical cycle on my first 2 years but later on it changed, it become irregular. Sometimes I dont have my length for 3 months or skip for 2 months and i get so anxious if i am pregnant or not even if I haven't tried sex yet previously. Not all girls hold normal cycles, at hand are also a lot of girls have irregular cycles, I even have a friend who simply has 1 length each year. Also, another piece that could also be the cause why you didnt hold your period is stress, denial of sleep and exercise, and eating too much sour food. If you did these things, it can also be a explanation but dont worry your time will come back.

I hope you perceive better now.

Itchy problem down nearby?

there are a number of medical reason why you haven't had your term. please speak with your mom so that she can support you get into a doctor. please don't lurk. it could be something minor, it could be life-threatening.

34 and never had an orgasm?

Sweetheart near is never any real dumb dumb question if you really don't know the answer!

You need to communicate your mom and ask her to make you a doctor's appointment.

Could this be right?

Don't madness!..we all own questions, and you're still childish so you cant be expected to know everything! Anyway, Ive had friends who enjoy gone a couple months without their length before and they're fine. But I do commend you on mortal abstinent thus far! Its a good article! If you want to get the best counsel though, see a gynocologist. It's a little unerving at first, but theyre the best those to talk to, and don't verbs, its their job to answer question like this. Its possible they could suggest birth control to regulate your period. Anyway, I hope this helps you!

Norethisterone renunciation symptoms?

If you're a virgin and you haven't had your interval since February you should make an appt. near a Gynecologist, OB/GYN, or family practitioner. If you own a regular Dr. that you see I would ask your mom to make an appt. for you. There's copious things that can cause amenorrhea (absence of menstrual period). Such as person thin and exercising heavily (from playing sports, etc.), have an eating disorder, or have a hormonal imbalance. There can be frequent, many cause. Just be sure to seek advocate from a Dr. to get your body subsidise on track. :-)

Good luck to you!

Can stress cause for menstrual period to arrive late?

You should definetly NOT perceive stupid! I had matching question alot of times. For no drive I have just ever had 9 period, EVER. And now I'm over 30! I other had horrible cramping, PMS, the complete ritual except the actual period. It took me 8 yrs. to own my son! And 3 of the periods I have was when I be pregnant! Anyway everybody's body is different! You know when to notice something isn't right...parley to your Mom or sis or Dr. because they'll be able to assist you first hand. Good luck and you will be of late fine!

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