GIRLS ONLY: Our interval?

i'm 16, first got my extent at 11 and to this day i still wonder why we find it and how digusting it is to look and deal next to blood... i dont know but we are so strong to put with this... and the reality that most of us totally get digusted by blood, i know i do. even dealing and looking at my own period(what can i do, close my eyes?) it other reminds of a war or someone dying and the blood.. it's only... ugh.. digusting, weird and woeful. every month until we are 50 years old, 50, right? we enjoy to deal near it.

Sometimes I feel something concrete and it feels similar to it's poking me inside of my vagina.?

sweet heart your period is a appropriate thing. when your body decide it is ready to enjoy kids your uterus gets in position. all the blood you grasp is the lining that would nurture the baby have you had one. but since you didn't your body doesn't call for it. And you are right we are strong cuz i can guarantee that if a man had to put up near this you would see a drastic decline in births. weaker sex my butt. as far as the whole time of war thing don't deduce of it like that cogitate of it as your body saying, "whenever you are prepared to have kids I'm here for you." and it refresh itself monthly to prepare for the baby you may someday own.

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We go and get it because we ovulate every month and the uterus prepares for a fertilized egg by lining itself near nutrient rich blood. No fertilized egg = release of un-used lining. Sure, it's a agony, but deal next to it honey. We all hold to.

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Yeah. It pretty much sucks.

But that's life and what are you gonna do something like it lol.

I'm planning on getting the depo shot soon to stop my periods because dealing near it sometimes is a hassle.

I am a 27 year old womanly. I think women masterbating is nautious. Is this conventional?

Maybe you should get your facts straight. If you don't know why women own periods, perchance you should have a infallible talk next to your mom. And no, it's not age 50, it's when a woman hits menopause, which has no set age. And stop complaining.

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I never feel that way. It's markedly gross, but when I first got my time of year, I was really comfortable; it's a huge step toward womanhood. Girls are strong- we can handle it! :-)

When I be in motion pee there is blood?

yea man! but look on the bright side girl. why do we own period within the first place? part of the sense is that it helps up to clear away the toxins from our body as in good health..! thus, we usually live longer than boys and are more healthier.


What could this be?

Yes it is till we are give or take a few 50...but when you think more or less it...that is a small price to foot to end up near a loving family and grandchildren someday. When you enjoy it next time, reckon of babies, not war. It get easier as you get elder so hang contained by there. :0)

What does it be set to when your vagina burns itches and spots a little, i a short time ago ended my interval 5 days ago?

yup lol it sure sucks!!. if you are sexually active i recommend taking birth control pills. some race that aren't sexually active hold pills to control there unruly bloody mess every month. pills allow you to still have your term every month but lessens the days you are on it down to close to 3 instead of 7 days or more.. before i never know when my period come, now my time of year comes about one and the same time every month.

**also i heard the depo can stop a womens interval... but when i was on the depo shot i bleed every freakin daytime for a year!
=( SO the depo shot varies for respectively and every person.

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You should think of it as a monthly cleansing of your body.

As for have it until age 50, every woman is different. You might have it longer, or you might stop untimely. At which time you will have adjectives sorts of other lifelong hormonal problems to deal beside than a week long monthly ordeal.

FYI, there are lots Native American Tribes who believe that when a woman is menstruating she is at a spiritual peak and is so forbidden to touch any of the men's weapons for foreboding of draining their power. Also, many tribes sent the woman away while they menstruated for nervousness of this boosted magical power.

Cherish your body and accept it's gifts no thing how trying and gross they may seem.

Good luck!

My sex drive is shot abet!?

its part of our reproductive cycle. What you are "bleeding" is bin liner inside your uterus. It builds up every month, its intention is to protect ane nourish the possible adjectives fetus. You relase an egg every month, and you have a set amount of time for it to be fertilized. If its not fertilized, your body sheds everything out.. mother temperament's way of "cleaning house". The cycle begin all over again. Its disgusting, but, its segment of life.. literally!

If you enjoy such a hard time beside it, you can ask about birth control to abet control how often you hold it. Sometimes periods stop adjectives together on the depo shot. There is also seasonale, where you solely have your term once every 3 months. I heard they be comingout with a pill where on earth you dont have a length at all.

Answer please?

1. You bring your period, because your body is other preparing for the time when you might have a child. Because you did not bring back pregnant, the lining of the uterus that your body prepared if you be to become pregnant is stripped away and leaves your body with blood. I know that it is not elegant.
2. Also, 50 is not the magic number. Your body have only so oodles eggs = only so abundant periods you will enjoy. Some women stop having their interval when they are 40, some later than 50, etc. I enjoy a friend who started her period then than "normal", and she ended route earlier than most those. Everyone is different.

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We get period because that is what our body does to find ready for pregnancy.

When the egg does not become fertilized, the blood bin liner the uterus sloughs off and flows out.

Best draw from used to it as it will be with you until menopause. It's not so disgusting when you realize it is your body's route of cleaning up after itself.

I took estrogen pills and now i trickle milk from my nipples what should i do?

It may end until that time you're 50. Menopause happens at different ages for different women and if you're pregnant, you gain a break from having period, too. Of course then you own that whole giving birth entity to deal next to.

Dealing with the inconvenience and mess of have a period really is a strain, though, especially when it arrives at a time and place when you're not expecting it and can't easily attain what you need. The other entry that makes it difficult is if you obtain really bad cramps; Girls and women do so much--on the commission, in arts school, taking college entrance exams, performing onstage--and we often do it while notion quite mortified.

And yet most of us hold taking care of business. Yes, you're right. We are strong and it's a devout thing because duration hands individuals things even harder to deal near than periods.

Being strong is a really well-mannered thing--congratulations on being womanly.

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Wsup GURL =) ...yES I FEEL YOU adjectives tha way..i can`t stand ma period its jus so0 ewwwww..ya no..i belive we own to have IT TA produce babies..but eitha den that its a throbbing to stay in tha restroom fa longa den you have need of to0...its also i guess will enjoy to endure this till that afternoon we turn 50(u were rite)...till than theres blood ta come...=).dUECES

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I'm 13 and I'm started to capture happy going on for my period..unusual huh :). yea well i read a book something like my body and i know that when you get your extent its just your body relating you that your healthy. presume of the bright side hay were growing up. but i am imberesst just about it with my familial.but still, hay its perfectly typical its not like if someone is going to give an account you eewww you got extent yuck!!haha..its perfectly usual.HELLO!! but yes it is gross just ruminate of it this way,..believe if your were to hold your period every single sunshine, every hour, gallons and gallons. hehe atleast its only once a month and 3-8 days long. I also read that your pe!iod is 4 tbls. hehe tak in the region of alot of bleeding!(sike)

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omg...resembling ya... like totally. grow the F UP!

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you havent be taught in the region of why you you have them? perchance you shoud ask your mom. and me too hate blood simply when i see it , it makes me discern sick to my stomach. no not 50 forever till you die. it sucks i know

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I know its gross but now there are certin kind of birth control that can stop your period i similar to the depo shoot i cancels your extent an you only enjoy to get it every three months!!

What does it be set to if you have a impetuous on your genitals?

well we have out period because we have to ovulate and we prepare for the fertalization of an egg and when the egg is not fertalized is when we grasp out periods but we also take them because it helps verbs out out systems. and well i know alot of populace dont like looking at blood and it is really nast and agony ful but as for the pain when u are cramping walk out and do some exercise or put a hot pad or towel on your lower abdomin and it will assist. Heat helps the muscels losen up. and for the everymonth within are birth controls that can help you simply get it roughly 4 times a year. you can try that out. i know how u feel i enjoy had my time of year since i was within 4th grade and it sucked but in good health u get used to it .

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