Period problems please give support to...?

okay well my end period be may 11th and i am on a 26 day cycles when should i seize my period i go to my montly cycles . com and it said today but i went to femta and it said tomorrow and its really confusing me because i want to give somebody a lift a pregnancy test to see but im not sure if i missed my spell so can someone please help me

My menstral cramps are unbearible! I wobbly and am in PAIN! HELP?

If you're counting your cycle correctly, where on earth the first day of actual bleeding is morning one, then today is the 26th day. However, precipitate in a pregnancy, first morning urine is the best to use for a pregnancy audition. The level of hormones that a pregnancy try-out looks for is highest afterwards, as you've been sleeping and neither drinking something nor urinating for several hours. You're best waiting til tomorrow to rob a pregnancy test anyway.

Good luck.

Is this my first extent?

if your supposed to start today or tomarrow you can go ahead and give somebody a lift a test if your worried

Will i want surgrey?

well it's common to ladies to lose their length it's called a irregular time, and it might be that or even continues just bring a pregnancy test to be sure!

Pains but i dont know?

today but don't madness unless you would like to be pregnant
you still enjoy all sunshine,but as they said take the oral exam if you
feel too stressed something like it.good-luck

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