I need signs of puberty or an upcoming "extent."?

I am not planning to get my extent. But I want to know the signs of a possible upcoming period!! I am 11 years prehistoric. My mom got her first time when she was 16!! No, I didn't find out from her, and I'm not planning too!

Itchy boobshelp!?

Widening hips
breast growth
pubic hair
chest tenderness
excessive cravings along next to a large apetite
upset stomach
sensitivity (emotionally)
and near some cases:
diahrheha (sp?)

How can you make yor breast look bigger?

Breast nouns and pubic hair growth come up before your length starts. If you have both of these pubertal developments already, next your period will start in the next year. Most girls start at 12 years antediluvian, but the timing of your period is genetic. So, I would not be surprised if you started a bit later contained by your teens like your mom did.

Period/birth control grill?

well puberty starts to happen when you achieve hair underneath your arms and "down there", your armpits sweat and you need deoderant, you start to win breasts, your skin may get acne, and as expected, girls get their period.
You will get your interval, probably once a month, unless you're stressed out a lot, within which case you may obtain it twice a month. Periods can last 3-7 days, though they usually come about for about 5 days. Signs you may be getting your extent are bloating (your stomach puffs out a bit) and cramps in your lower stomach a day or two earlier you get your time of year.
I hoped this help.
Welcome to womanhood! haha =P

I've have the same jeans on for 4rrrr days very soon.Is that bad?

Puberty and Period signs-

It is impossible to predict exactly when you will win your first period. Many girls and women can't even predict when they will draw from a period even after oodles years of menstruating. Acne and breast development conspicuously mean that you enjoy started puberty, so your period may arrive soon or it may appropriate awhile. Some girls start younger than you and some girls start later, sometimes as overdue as 16. If you are worried you will be caught unprepared, ask a friend or your Mom or sister for a pad. You can pass it in your purse or bookbag, newly in covering. Trust me don't be anxious!

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