Best friend just have 2nd miscarriage, I dont know what to do.?

She has be trying for 6mths, miscarried in Feb and again last dark, both times when she was 2-3 weeks along. She have a 12 yo daughter and her and her partner really want another child.
This woman is like a mother to me, her inherited is the family I never really have. I feel so helpless, I couldnt chew over of a damn thing to articulate to her when she rang to narrate me. I offered to go hold on to her company, as she was home alone, but she is so independent and trys to tough everything out alone, and she prohibit...should I go anyway?
She is 33 and afraid she wont know how to concieve.
I am at my wits end and dont know what to influence or do.

12 year old PERIOD PROBLEMS?

I would move about and keep her company anyway. Tell her not to supply up, just save trying. It's quite usual not to conceive in the first six months of trying. The certainty that she already has a daughter is fitting because that means she have successfully conceived and carried to term so she probably have a good karma of doing so again. Tell her to make sure she's taking prenatal vitamins and drinking healthy to receive her body ready for pregnancy, and I don`t know actually transport a break from trying, and just permit things happen. sometimes when your not trying that's when it happen. I know that it's hard to adopt loss, but things just probably weren't right for pregnancy for some grounds. perhaps near were chromosomes missing maybe I know it is hard but it be probably for the best as something wasn't right for the pregancy to continue. My doctor described rash miscarriage as a rocket ship that never takes past its sell-by date, it starts out at the launch pad, but never leaves the ground. So it certainly is just a fertilized egg that doesn't develop, and seriously of times it doesn't develop because something just isn't right. It's firm to know what to say surrounded by times like this, but time heal all. It's a angelic sign that she's talking to you tho, except my husband only my family connections knew and one close friend. it took several years earlier I could tell anyone else, and or even speak about it beside anyone without crying. Tell her that you'll take through it together, and that her time will come.

Health question?

Personally, I don't deem that there is anything that you can voice that will make her discern better. It might just be sturdy for her to tell you that she desires somebody to talk to, If I be you I would go at hand anyways and just consent to her know that you are there for her no thing what. Even if she doesn't want to talk going on for it just be within for her so she's not alone. Good luck!

So why doesn't kicking a girl in the groin work?

Sorry tohear of the loss I recommend detoxification for the body. This is the process of colonics with a 7 daytime cleansing program. I also beleive that no Soy becasue of the increase of estrogen. eat at lowest possible 75% raw vegetables and fruit. do some relaxing breathing meditate and allowing life to flow and research to let progress....Always remember a gallon of water. Prayers and blessings for you and your friend

Age of getting pregnant?

All you can articulate is that you're so sorry. I'd go over and try and capture a sense of whether she wants the company or not. If she discussions a lot almost it then she wishes you there. But if she seem non talkative lately tell her you needed to give her a hug, do it, and detail her to call if she desires you. Wish you well.

I'm 13 and I have my first period 9 weeks ago. What happen? Why is there no more presently?

I'm really curious as to how she knows she miscarried when she be only 2-3 weeks along. It's outstandingly unlikely that she would know she was pregnant that hasty and it's not like the bleeding would be amazingly much different than a period, but oh all right let's basically pretend she's telling the truth.

As for not man able to concieve, yea, that happen sometimes. Giving birth to one child does increase your risks of not being competent to give birth to a second child.

I suggest you only continue close to nothing happen. Be there if she requirements to talk, but that's adjectives you can really do.

EDIT: Home tests do not pick up pregnancy when it is one and only 14 days in! It's impossible because the smooth of hormones is not high satisfactory. I really think your friend is lying.

Is feed kids, especially girls, too much chicken, bad for them because of breast growth hormones?

First I would do or utter the same piece that you did with the first miscarriage I hold a friend that is going threw indistinguishable thing she purely had a miscarriage more or less a month ago and all you can really do is be within for her at some point she may break down and need somone in attendance for her even if its just for her to ask why it happen to her...So yes I would go and be near her...Good luck

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