Help me plz!?

OK here it is ... i had my 1st time of year EVER march 25..i havent have it since. i no FOR SURE im not preg. i mean the most iu enjoy ever doen with a guy is offer them a polite hug after like church or today at my graduation!! Well can someone communicate me whats going on?

Ladies i need comfort!!?

Sometimes when you first start your period, it is terrifically irregular. When I first started I didn't have another one for 3 months. If you want them to regular next you would need to communicate to your doc. about getting on birth control.

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your body is regulating, it's zilch to worry around. I skipped the second month when I first started too.

Oki have a serious Q., and really entail help?

It take a while for your body to get your extent regulated. Nothing is going on, you are fine and normal.

Just get off the shot.?

it's majority for periods to not own a regular cycle for the first 2 years. take it from someone who have experienced this before. don't verbs it's perfectly usual.

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your lately late hun don't verbs it happens to everyone if you don't hold by the end of this month consequently see a doctor k but don't worry

Does anyone know what will surface if you have fibroids?

It sounds approaching you may need to see your doctor. Irregular period need to be monitored by a doctor.

Any one who can answer?

It will probably purloin time before your body regulates your extent...I don't think it is serious...but if you are concerned you should probably phone call your doctor.

What is this bump on my vagina?

It sounds perfectly mundane to me. My period started when I be 11 and it would skip months or it would come twice in one month. That continued for in the region of 5 or 6 years until I got on the pill. Now, I never enjoy a problem with it. If yours continues to be irregular consult to your doctor because you don't want to suffer with it for years approaching I did.

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Hunny.. relax.. you are impeccably normal. Periods are amazingly irregular when you first get them. Its your body adjust to becoming a women. It will take a few years (depending how behind the times you are now) for it to regulate out.

It all a bit of growing up. Just relax you are fine. Just keep a wipe handy as you may get the subsequent one unexpectedly

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