Brown pills?

Is it safe to own unprotected sex (don't lecture me.. I know unprotected sex is frowned upon) when you are taking the brown pills of your birth control? (Loestrin24 Fe)

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The brown pills are simply sugar and iron supplement. They are the pills you bear when you should be starting your period. Unless you've not be on the Loestrin for 3 months or longer you should use alternative protection. After 3 months on the pill the pregnancy rate is the same...99% impressive.

Womanly question?

No, It is NEVER sheltered to have unprotected sex.

Morning after pill..?


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If the brown pills are the ones that you take when on your interval then that way you weren't protected and you may get pregnant, but if they be the regular ones then you should be fine.

Birth Control: What do you reccomend?

yes, you are protected from pregnancy throughout the month as long as you purloin thenm as directed. doctors dont generally make a contribution birth control that only works 3 wks out of 4. Judging from your answers, you should probably stay away from yahoo and ask your doctor.

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If you are in a monogomous relationship, and pregnancy is really your only concern, why are you worried give or take a few using condoms when the pill should be working to prevent that? If pregnancy is not your only concern, the resolved answer is no. The purpose of the placebo pills is to allow you to have your spell. They do not increase your risk of getting pregnant. Of course, nothing is 100 percent.

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