Morning after pill..?
I ended my time 14 days ago and i have it again. does anyone know whay this might hold happened?
It sounds to me approaching you are being exceedingly responsible, not 'playing with fire' at adjectives.
(ignore jnccnn -- the whole purpose of is for question like this)
There is closely of variation contained by when a person will find their period after Plan B. It's comparatively effective, and your probability of getting pregnant were small anyway.
You probably won't attain your period for another 2 weeks. You will craft yourself crazy if you keep thinking resembling this! Relax, you will be OK.
I become conscious why you would be worried, but relax! You will be fine!
i honestly construe that every girl that has sex have atleast one big pregnancy scare/freak out...this is definately yours.ha
dont worry you be responsible and took all the right precautions. and unless your bf have never dying jumping sperm, your fine.
dont verbs take a cavernous breath and calm down. youll be fine.
worthy luck. =]
Can any one some suggestions ?.?
Why in the world would anybody want to know adjectives of your personal crap? Talk to your Dr. You play with fire you take burned!You will be fine. You have a 19 more days to hold a period. You might want to consider using condoms next to spermicide on them in the adjectives or a VCF (Vaginal Contraceptive Film) in addition to the condom. This will engender sure that if a sperm gets out that it won't be going anywhere.
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