Ovarian cancer, Diagnosis and surgery 9 days ago. dr say I am stage 3a or 3b. Anyone been surrounded by the situation?

i am 53 good common health and trying to maintain a good attitude, Dr say prognosis is good but who know? Im scared and worried chemo will be worse than the surgery which be horiffic, i had tumours around colon and spread thru the abd, oh btw, i had total hysterectomey ( yes ovaries too) FIVE yrs ago and still get ovarian cancer, Please tell me this is survivable. I call for to hear form survivors!

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I am an ovarian cancer survivor. I was diagnosed contained by 2005 when I was 54. I have a total hysterectomy and chemo. I joined an ovarian cancer support group past I started chemo and that was one of the best gifts I give to myself. There were women within the group who were 17-25 year survivors of stage 3 cancer..,..,which way they were diagnosed and have chemo 17-25 years ago when chemo was inferior it is today. So YES THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY SURVIVABLE! Please check with your oncologist BEFORE chemo and ask if they enjoy ovarian cancer support groups in your town. I never required to hear the "c" word....I had never have surgery, perfect strength, hate pills, so the thought of the "c" word, surgery and chemo.I be horrified. Cried the entire first visit to the cancer center. But, I hold to say, I enjoy had the flu that be worse than chemo...not that I would want it again,..but, it was not as impossible as I thought it would be. I will be happy to answer any question you have. NO STRESS,. Happy thoughts. This too shall intervene.

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i wish the best of luck 2 ya!!

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My daughter survived ovarian cancer.Chemo is diffrent for everyone.I hope you own a good support system as this help so much with taking back.I'll be praying for you.Keep your chin up :)

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There is solitary one cure for cancer.That is your immune system.Educate yourself on the internet about your bodies untaught way of soothing itself.

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