Hot flashes ...and lone 17 ?

Just kind of wondering .. i know im not getting sick . but i hang on to on getting what im gunna call hotflashes... im not taking any meds at the moment .. Ill be starting my spanking new pack of Birth control once i start my period soon..
but yeh im pretty much sweating right away and for a angelic 15 or 30 solid seconds .
Anything wrong here? anything to fix it ?

Please with the sole purpose read this question if u are developed,understanding and plenty time to explain better.?

I have hypothyroidism and achieve hot flashes. I wake up at dark and my pillow is all drizzly. I got tested for years and they said it be fine or borderline but one doctor finally tested my T3 and T4 and found my problem. So make sure if you seize tested that you ask the doctor to specifically test those two. Also are you feeling moody? When my thyroid get out of whack and my meds need changed the hot flashes start and I go and get real moody. Can efficiently be blamed on PMS if you don't know it.

Vaginal Odor >_<?

maybe the dose of your birthcnotrol pill is wrong ask your dr.

Is there something to appropriate?

have you traveled outside the country?
got tested for TB?

Trying to concive?

Whoa that's style to young to be getting hot flashes. The first article that came to mind be medication but since you're not taking any. It can't be the birth control because those can actually weaken hot flashes in women who are experiencing hot flashes. I myself at 39 am also getting hot flashes. My doctor originally thought I be going into early menopause but after doing adjectives the blood work everything came stern fine. The only other piece I can think of is your thyroid. If you've be getting hot flashes for awhile now, you should walk to your doctor and have your thyroid checked out. An over stirring thyroid can also cause hot flashes.

About girl monthly thing~?

it is possible that they are bonafied hot flashes. hot flashes are purely hormonal. and when you are on birth control it definitely effects your hormone level because b.c. is almost purely hormones. you entail to tell you gyno. going on for h.flashes, you may need a high or lower dosage of hormones.

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