Is it better to trim and not shave or wax down at hand?

I trim my pubic hair once every month but I don't shave or wax.

Getting fingered?

Hey it is up to you. If you approaching the way it looks when you trim later don't stop. Try a wax and if you like it after go near it. There is no right or wrong answer here. Only what you like best for yourself.

I'm honestly curiousand not trying to be unexpected?

It's better to trim Otherwise shaving or waxing would really hurt I wouldn't' insist on it

Help again and quick?

I shave down in that. At first it was irritated, and get really itchy. But I lotioned it when I first started shaving and eventually my skin got used to it. Now I can't think about having it any other road. So it's really just personaly preferance. I don't deduce that there is a right road to do it. If you do decide to shave or wax, remember that the skin down near is really sensative so it may take some time to desensitise it. Just remember to start beside small areas so the irritation isn't a hinderance in your daily existence. I have no irritation anymore.

Girls ONLY!!!?

Buzz or trim it, later shave it in, so you in recent times have a small "landing strip"... Right after, you can put a liniment such as zinc oxide on to prevent the razor bumps... Or use your deodorant stick and rub that on. Beleive it or not, that will prevent cut-throat burn! Even get blade burn on your armpits? There's a reason why you don't, Deodorant!

I surface really bloated?

i think it's ok to shave, that's what i do, its true that it can be itchy at first thou, but draw from used to it, any ways its gonna look better than hairy

Help me please!?

If you can knob the discomfort then wax looks and feels great. Otherwise shaving, for me, is the style to go

Causes for tender breasts?

Silk Epil from Braun!! trim some, next use!

Is it just depression?

its other good to wax

Have to swim but on my term?

I trim. Don't want to shave it off and look approaching a 10yr old.

Health quiz concerning ex. excessive vaginal bleeding. don't read if u get grossed out unforced.?

Look, I'll help you out, come on over and I will shave it for you. We can start near a strip, and if you want to do it all, I can shave sour the remaining hair...but its up to you. I other find with the ones not here natural, that the quill gets caught within my throat. Your boyfriend will likely regard as the same.

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