Im really hesitant... please not a soul banter roughly this

i want to know if it hurt to have sex for the first time and how long does the pain final and also if it does hurt how badly

Answers:    It hurt like hell! And it continued to hurt even after my 4th or 5th time of have sex. It's hard to describe the pain. It's close to nothing else I have ever experienced since or since.
That varies a lot from woman to woman. Some woman report impression severe pain during their first time, others experience mild discomfort, and some think it feel wonderful. Your previous experiences will make a big difference, too.

Here are some things you can do to minimize the pain:
--make sure you and your partner spend profusely of time on foreplay. The more aroused you are, the easier and less painful sex will be.
--use water-based lubricant (like KY Jelly) so that permeation is smoother
--be comfortable with yourself and your partner!! This is the most important piece. Spend some time getting to know your body before you have sex for the first time. Use a mirror to see adjectives of your parts, and touch them and find out what feels good for you. Find a partner that you are comfortable discussion to about what feels polite, and make sure that he or she is willing to thieve things slowly with you. Don't be afraid to tell him or her that you are a virgin and stressed; they either are still virgins too, or they'll remember what it was close to to be one.

Good luck. Always practice safe, consensual sex and you'll be fine!.
It shouldn't hurt at all in reality, this is usually not a problem because when the female body gets aroused or excited, the vagina enlarge. This coincides with the males penis, which also gets larger when he's excited, it become erect. Our bodies are biologically designed to fit each other, so most often this really isn't a problem. I wouldn't verbs about it. It just depends on the human being. Sometimes you will bleed for a while too. Its a little uncomfortable for a while after. For me it hurt so bleak I had to stop. Try having him budge real slow to help you adjust. Or you can be on top and surrounded by control. Use a good lube Astroglide works real resourcefully and doesn't get sticky. Good luck..
it hurts. but once its over with next youll be fine. it hurt me for a good 5 minutes before it started intuition good. be sure to tell your partner its your first so he will walk slow. i cried when it was mine, but i also cry if i stub my toe. lol. it would depend on the penis size and how gentle he be going. if it hurts too much, tell him to stop if you gonna have sex for the first time engineer sure you are old enough.and yes it hurts but your partner can receive a difference by being gentle and provide you the time you need.its a must at the end delight in it.
It doesnt hurt.
Just make sure you warm up wit foreplay first..
if it does hurt its for no more after like 5 mins.. and on a scale from 1-10 its not even a 5.. I guess it depends on your toleration near pain.. but it doesnt hurt, :).
Unless your hymen has a hard to please shape(which is very rare)you will not feel any strain noticable.If you are very worried about awareness pain,go to a gynecologist swot for sure. well. it hurt me like hell ! the 4 or 5 times be awful. but i have friends who say it did`t hurt at adjectives.. everyone is different.
take protection !! and do not do it if you are very infantile ! .
every woman is different. For me it hurt and I was sore for a good afternoon. Make sure your partner is gentle and you guys use enough lubricate. i dont bring why ppl are so nervous about sex
most ppl enjoy done it and theyve been fine. you dont see ppl going to the doctor cuz sex pain
its supposed to be agreeable.
I thought it hurt and my .stayed sore for about 2 days. But every girls differnet.

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