Anxiety or something more?

Okay, so I have this constant panic of being pregnant. I miserable, all the time. I have sex in October '06 and enjoy had trouble near this ever since. I have be on the pill since I was 17 and when I did hold sex we used a condom with spermicide. Now everytime I go and get a week away from getting my period I win all freaked out and start thinking just about being pregnant. I catch crampy/fluttery feelings within my abdomen (I'm assumming this is due to stress/anxiety) and be aware of rather bloated. I talk with my doctor and I swear I've taken a million HPTs and they are adjectives negative.
I merely got a promotion contained by my job that produces seriously of stress, as well. I stir up and fall asleep thinking something like work and all I enjoy to do. I work a 40 hr weeks job and step to college for 9 hours a week at night.
Should I sermon to my doctor about anxiety trouble? Or should I be looking for a psychiatrist?

What shall i do next to my ex-GF?


I'm sorry you are bothered by this recurring anxiety, which sounds like it's severe ample to be classified as a phobia. A phobia is an unrealistic fear which have no basis contained by reality, and which you make out as unnecessary, "ridiculous" or excessive for the circumstances. If you have taken adjectives the precautions you mention, there is almost no hit and miss at all you could be pregnant.
Of course, the best prevention of an unwanted pregnancy is sexual thriftiness. However, if you are or decide to become sexually busy, use of condoms with spermidice, or non-vaginal infiltration sex (such as oral sex, manual sex, use of toys, etc.) are your subsequent best choices. However, in adjunct to wanting to avoid an undesired pregnancy, you also need to be aware of the risk of you and/or your partner unloading or giving a sexually transmitted illness. Again, economy or condom use, or "safer sex" options are your best protections.
If you are surely certain that you never want to suffer children, you could consider a tubal ligation (which VERY RARELY do not work), or your long-term partner/husband could consider a vasectomy (whidh VERY RARELY do not work). Such surgical interventions are usually considered to be non-reversible and should be undergone only after a large amount of thought and talk between you and your partner. After such surgery, here is little if any need for use of such things as condoms (EXCEPT to rein in your changes of giving or getting a sexually transmitted disease).
In truth, I believe you own most likely answered your own grill. You seem to obsessively verbs about pregnancy even near what could be considered rather extreme precautions. Anxiety, whether acute or chronic (such as a different job or promotion) can explanation hormonal changes surrounded by your body, which can cause change in your regular menstrual cycle, which could reinforce your phobic worry, which could start a vicious cycle of stress varying your hormonal levels, which will translate your menstruation, which will make you more anxious, etc. Also, for some women, a "normal" menstrual cycle is not 100% regular and clock-work predictable.
I would suggest several things to you. First, you should contact your primary precision physician and ask him/her for a complete physical examination near various blood test, possibly abdominal and/or pelvic MRI scans to rule out such things as tumors, ovarian cysts, poly-cystic ovary disease, endometriosis (which can also interfere beside normal menstruation and can try to be like pregnancy as well as hysterical conditions such as anxiety disorders), or other possible physical bases for your experienced morale.
If, after such an exam and studies, you may wish to consult your OB-GYNE MD and own a thorough external and internal examination to rule out other possible physical cause for your symptoms.
If, after this, if everything medically is normal, I would strongly suggest you contact a qualified counselor and/or psychiatrist. If you do hold an anxiety disorder (and there are various types), you may well benefit from diverse forms of therapy, skills building to cope better beside stress, to learn to externalize your stress a bit than allowing it to come out in physical signs/symptoms. You may also be helped by one or more psychoactive medication designed to reduce anxiety and stress (in conjunction beside those techniques you swot up in therapy), such as a variety of anti-depressants (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, Celexa, Wellbutrin, etc.) or benzodiazepines (Ativan, Xanax, Valium, Librium, Buspar, Tranxene), or even plain old anti-histamines (Benadryl, Vistaril).
If, by karma, you are the survivor of trauma, especially physical and/or sexual abuse, your phobia and your presenting signs/symptoms could very well be a manifestation of that trauma. So if you do talk to a doctor (of any kind) or a counselor, please be enlarge and honest with them. There are frequent trauma recovery technique, skills, and specially trained counselors who could be of great assistance. Good luck to you, and please do begin the process of overcoming this problem.

Period and swimming?

Just anxiety. If you can't find a means of access to make yourself relax, bargain with your doctor.


I give attention to you should get counseling. With adjectives the precautions you are taking your chances of getting pregnant are nil.

Is it adjectives for a woman's cup size to increase when on the pill? What is the average amount of weight gain?

I looked this up in my medical encyclopaedia and there's is no mode substantial medical attention for this predicament as there is none. It's adjectives in "Your Head" You nouns like a in good health established, &
above itelligent girl, you are doing 3 X what the normal girl would do after a sexual encounter and commend you for that girlfriend,
but something have put either be put into r mind that either sex
is a dirty point or pregnacy is your destiny! You don't need a pill u
want a physciatrist to reasure you you're doing everything right &
you being anxiousness is not warrented justifiably. You achieve all worked up, stress yourself, nick r mind of work, waste money on
HPT's etc! I don't know what happen r why r feeling this style,
but DO know a pill isn't going to help, you entail to get something
rotten your chest why r so parinoid of pregnancy, sex, or whatever it
conceivably? You are such a level head person, but this is by adjectives means out of the conventional, so please don't cover it up with a pill, u
enjoy to get it out!
Best of Luck,

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