Implantation bleeding, when does it materialize?

i wanna know if implantation bleeding can happen simply one week after a females period. Therefore it would be 2 weeks precipitate. im worried because my g/f has have slight spotting. Her period concluded on thursday and we had intercourse on the subsequent wednesday. She experienced some bleeding 2 days later. Is that far too soon to experience implantation bleeding? Thanks

Ok im 12 more deets inside?

Hey, sorry to hear you are getting worried.

Implantation bleeding happen when a fertilized egg burrows into the lining of the uterus. It is fertilized within the fallopian tube at around 14-20 days (counting day 1 as the first day of her last period). Therefore, implantation bleeding usually happen somewhere 19-25 days - right before her subsequent period.

This is really reading light, spotting, as you described. However, the timescales don't really fit - though you did mention your gf is quite irregular so it may be that she ovulated extremely rash, or ovulated twice - the second egg was slowly and was fertilized. I would find it unlikely that a pregnancy could be sustained however, because within is not enough of a inside layer in her womb right after her term to sustain it.

A test will not show positive until around the time her subsequent period is due, as it detects the presence of HGC hormone, which is merely high plenty to be detected after a couple of weeks.

There are lots of other reasons for spotting though - it could be the result of rough sex, lots of exercise, infection, a bash to her tummy - implantation bleeding is unlikely to be the cause subsequent to all of these.

My direction would be to calm down, stop worrying but do a home pregnancy trial when her next time of year is due.

Good luck

Am i supposed to have nightmares? why don't i hold them anymore?

that could have be left over menses from her spell. implantation bleeding is usually between days 14-21 and is often mistaken as an untimely period or a pallid period. it is typically brownish/pinkish in color and is not even adequate to wear a pad for. check out for more details :o)

If I be in motion through planned parenthood, just about how much will the birth control pill cost?

Do u think she may be pregnant?
Implantation bleeding generally occurs a week to a few days formerly your period would as a rule start. Spotting that occurs around a week after ovulation is imagined implantation bleeding; whereas, spotting that occurs deeply close to the time that your period would usually start may not be. A normal menstrual cycle collectively starts off table lamp and then get heavier. Spotting can sometimes be the sign of an early time of year. If this is the case, the spotting will pick up to heavier bleeding. If you enjoy spotting right around the time your period would typically start, it can be more confusing. You will need to cart the wait and see approach or hold a pregnancy test to determine pregnancy.

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