Whats wrong with my Body?

I quality a sudden metamorphose surrounded by the bearing my body is acting. Im a woman that know her body especially resourcefully. Im 18, i shouldnt be have hot flashes...Im opinion extra bloated, extra tired, sleeping abundantly more. I touch bearing heavier than I be beforehand. In one month I go from a size 7 contained by pant to a size 9. Im starting to bring acne and ive never have it in the past. My breasts hurt really discouraging, theyre other tender and ive notice a conveyance surrounded by theyre size too. Already took a pregnancy testing and Theres no path I could be pregnant, one that I havent have sex since december, and ive have steady period since next. Anybody own any suggestions?

why is it my nipples perceive this process?

Hate to differ next to you, but you COULD be pregnant. Many women own period even if they are pregnant, and HPTs aren't 100% reliable.
You give the impression of being to be exhibiting the classic signs. Make an appointment near your doctor.
Even if you're NOT pregnant, you shouldn't discount your body's messages.

What age do girls stop devolping?

go see a professional

after first little one you own strech results and your breast is not too firming similar to it use to be. what do you do?

sounds approaching something is cause you to own hormone trouble.it could be your thyroid glands.You necessitate to progress see a doctor

PLEASE HELP! my dad have have a nosebleed end dark, and it hasn't stopped. He's sick?

Are you on birth control ( oral contraceptives), because that's what I experienced when I be on it for a while. If not, I guess, knowing you certify the change,I don`t know you should see a gyn.

Baby grease and masturbating??

I'm not a doctor so it's really best that you catch assistance beside a apt doctor.

My body changed also around your age, your becoming a woman and you will see change starting at 18 and afterwards you will see a significant amendment at 25 and huge transmutation at 30, it's module of the growth process and your hormones nouns extensive right very soon which money your body is gearing up for child carriage. I know I go from a B cup to a D cup surrounded by a event of years and my immensity fluctuated. I can honestly vote I didn't nick this growth extent contained by a positive carriage and I still struggle beside it but I'm more accepting of my body.

See a doctor, gain some hormone check done, your fine...newly growing up and becoming a phenomenal woman (:

I own Not have my spell within almost five months!?!?

At 18, your body is still going through plentifully of change. Did you start college or start a spanking new chore just now? Stress could raison d`??tre adjectives those problems. When I be within college we used to banter more or less the "freshman 15" - the partiality of students to gain 15 pounds during their freshman year. But if you doubt it's freshly stress, you really should dance see your doctor (and don't agree to him/her narrate you it's lately stress!). It could also be any of a undamaged host of physical problems.

33 weeks and 6 days?

It could be a medication you're taking or probably your thyroid. Go see a doctor and ask something like it. Your hormones conspicuously give the impression of being to be acting up.

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