Can anyone aid?

ive recently have a letter from my gp, recitation me that im due for a smear test. can anyone report to me whats involved, like what they do and what to wear as its my first and im so a bundle of nerves. i stay in scotland.

How much do you devise birth control could cost me?

Absolutely nothing to verbs about. they use a cotton bud type stick to run a small cell sample from your cervix. It's unlikely you'll grain anything, unless the (and I forget the name for them) 'metal things' are a bit cold.

Doesn't event what you wear, although you may feel more comfortable beside a long skirt on. It is a bit weird to enjoy a nurse aiming a light and poking around 'down in attendance' but it's something we all enjoy to go through every three years for most of our lives so you'll bring used to it quickly. The nurse will enjoy done it a million times so it's nothing she hasn't see before!

For how long should I hang on to taking my pre-natal pills after I have conceived?

its nought to worry bout its only a precaution

I'm thinking of going off the Pill and be fitted with a coil instead. How own people found it roughly?

It's uncomfortable and degrading but over quickly and it doens't hurt. It's also a critical health check that adjectives women should have.

Go to nhs direct for more detailed information:

Does period give you urges to pee?

? sorry i dont know what that theory test is

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oh try not to worry...the smear doesn't hurt... it is over beside very suddenly...the only piece i don't like almost smears is baring adjectives to the nurse.that's all. wear your common everyday clothes. i am not too good at explaining the procedure but believe me..u will be doens't hurt. anyway don't verbs and try to relax.

Do I have an STD or is this something else?

wear a skirt as itsless hassel to find off. adjectives they do is tell you to lounge down with ankles together and knees apart, insert a metal tool too start on you up then wipe inside next to a oversized cotton bud. breathe deep and try to relax, if you are extremely tense it can be self-conscious, generally it is over and done beside in 5 mins, so fitting luck, there really is nought to worry going on for. also remember that the nurse has see it all until that time and will not be thinking anything other than doing the swab.

What method of birth control do you recommend?

It's a procedure that adjectives women need to progress through. Just make sure your wash and clean. It's painless adequate. It can be a bit embarrassing but as my GP said, she see this every single day of her working vivacity and there is no necessitate to be embarrassed because of her.
Wear what ever your comfortable within. You just stipulation to take your clothes past its sell-by date from the waist down.

Don't panic, it's fine

I took a pregnancy experiment and it said im not pregnant but why im not starting my period this month?

Hi in that, don't worry, I be worried with my first smear and put it rotten for ages but honestly there's zilch to worry something like. It's not very dignified and it's for a time uncomfortable but that's roughly speaking it. I would wear a long skirt because if you wear trousers you'll have to rob them off and that can be a short time embarrassing for some ancestors, not sure how you'd feel give or take a few that. I haven't had one for 3 years so I am due for another but contained by those 3 years I've had a newborn so after having a little one a smear is nothing as far as the position and humiliation goes, lol. You're bound to be retiring but after you have it done you'll wonder what adjectives the fuss was more or less. The nurse or whoever does it will do smears every day so it's not going to be anything strange to her. Good luck, you'll be fine.

Does this make your boobs bigger?

hi sweet, its nought to worry more or less, i think mostly everyone get a bit nervous when its time to see the gynie, i know i do! but listen only have a shower b4 you dance, but they dont like it if you use talc down near as it interferes with the results. basicaly adjectives he should do is have a grain at your tummy, some give u an ultrasound of late like your pregnant to see for abnormality, then he have a contraption that is to start on your entrance to your vagina so that he can take a swob of your fliud to be sent away for test. all the time he should be discussion to you to keep your mind of the reality that a stranger is looking between your legs! but seriously he does this 500 times a week so urs is no different to the 1 he seen 5 mins ago so try to relax. it is unbelievably important that you enjoy you smears so please go and relax. :-)

Does anyone know what fibromyalgia is and what cause it?

Do not worry its OK you will own a women do it for you, just wear your majority cloths and she will tell you what to do .

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This is honestly nought too worry in the region of. Its great that your GP informs you of when you need too hold a papsmear!

Firstly its a preventative test thats used too detect change in the cervical cell down below!

The website below is a really good one , as it will give a hand you prepare.

Wear whats comfortable for you ,The gp should know that its your first one so hopefully they will explain things for you and be a little more benevolent!

Good luck!

Ok i take bith controll and havent statred all the same help plzzzzzzzz?

don't verbs yourself, the nurse will have done it a million times, the best entry you can do is relax, feet together and knees apart - really help but relaxing is the main entity, wear anything you will need to purloin it off anyway and help yourself to some wipes to freshen yourself up and u will surface better! good luck you will be fine

Specially for doctors(but anyone can answer)- My sister?

You'll be asked to remove your pant and lie on a bed, afterwards a doctor or nurse (you can specify that you want a woman to do it) will insert a metal tube into your vagina - not far enough to hurt. inside that tube is a small swab stick and she will gently wipe it around you inside, at the tip of the cervix, to whip swab samples of cell for diagnosis and to check you don't have any remarkable or possible cancer-causing cells at hand.
The golden rule is RELAX! If you clench your muscles then it's difficult to insert the small tube. The nurse may put some lubricant on the tube, and also on your vagina, to make less burdensome it in. If you hold ever had sex later the tube is about like peas in a pod size as an erect male penis (don't quote me on this - near's big ones and little ones) so you should be able to enjoy this inserted fairly comfortably. at hand will not be any sexual sensation at all. If you haven't have sex then I'd speak to the nurse beforehand to discuss this as it could be a moment or two painful.
It's adjectives over in two minutes and in attendance's no lasting discomfort.
Good luck, speak to the nurse or doctor. They're used to women worrying almost this and I'm sure they'll put you at ease.

Regarding the no time of year for 6 months question.?

Having a smear interview can be a little embarrasing as you have need of to lay on a table and have a cotton wool bud wipe across the cervix. They also use a instrumnet to keep the uterus start. But its really important to enjoy this test regularly as it can detect irregular cells. It will also be over fairly quickly and remember the doctor does these adjectives the time.

Why girls don get physical contained by their periods?

First of adjectives dont worry. This is simply a sceening interview to check for abnormal cell that could lead to cervical cancer. Although I am with the sole purpose 25 I have be having them since I be sixteen due to being put on the pill young at heart.
It doesnt matter what you wear, the Nurse/Doctor will ask you to remove the bottom partially of your clothing including your knickers, then pretend on a bed. She will use an instrument, which will be inserted inside you, she will then amenable it slowly, a brush similar to a mascara brush will be used to brush away some cells. Then its adjectives over, she will remove the instrument and send the cell away to be checked out, everything should be fine.
This procedure may be a little self-conscious but not painfull, just try not clench your bum.
Try not to be too ashamed either, as the Nurse/Doctor will enjoy carried out this procedure on thousands of occasions.
If you would prefer a feminine nurse/doctor to carry out the procedure, ring the surgery until that time your appointment and ask for this, they will be used to this as there will be greatly of women who prefer another female to fetch out the included.
Please dont put off going, its remarkably important, and they are roughly only carried out every 3-5 years, so please attend.
Good Luck!

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