Ladies would you be surprised if.?

Ok first of all I will never post in the Means Health unit because I'm into Girls not Guys, Plus all the People at Means Health are like 13 year antediluvian kids that act like losers,unlike you ladies here =p. Ok my girlfriend is contained by Costa Rica Visiting a friend but she also has rented a Condo there and I save getting a feeling like i should stir surprise her by flying there because I live in Cali so she would be shocked that I come there because she said her friend is a little boring =/. Anyway I want to dance surprise her and when she leaves a go on the same plane next to her if their is space, then when we land I enjoy a limo waiting for the two of us and we go to a local hotel called " Paradise Point" right by the shore for 3 nights. Also do you think i should own sex with her or would she be home sick? Thanks i hope this will mean profusely to her.

By the way if you were my girlfriend rate a 1/5 on how surprised you would be and if you would soak up me doing this. Btw I'm only 21 and shes 20 =) fd

Answers:    Should you have sex near her? Put that way, it sounds like it's something you're doing to her! Doesn't she own a say in the thing?.
It sounds sweet but I think you should give her time to her self (believe me us girls inevitability it sometimes). I also think it would be kinda rude to her friend. If I were you and really required to do it this is what I would do:
Fly out there a few days before she comes spinal column, and tell her that you wanted to maintain her company flying back. To me that would be romantic :)
Good Luck!.
OMG that's adorable. and i think you should surprise her and I don`t know
have sex if she's into it. i definitely mull over that's a great idea for you
to surprise her! so yeah, definitely do it and that deserves a 5 !

Sounds nice but I construe her friend might feel a little disappeared out because your girlfriend was there to spend time near her not you. But maybe call the friend first and ask her if that would be ok, and ask her not to detail your girlfriend? You sound like a nice guy! She's lucky. If explicitly something you do often then I guess it wouldn't be that surprising for her but if it be me it'd be a 5/5. .
That sounds more like you're following her there because you're worried. I speak hang back this time and budge on vacation together some time so you can PLAN to be romantic. 5 and that would be so sweet i wish i have a man that would do that 4 me .
awwwwwwwww this is so nice of you! you're a great boyfriend!! im afraid im 6 years younger than you and my advice may not mean much but i would be a 4.9 (out of 5) on the surprised meter and i regard it'd be really thoughful of you. but maybe you should let her friend know first (but clear sure she doesnt tell her) so that way you can gross sure ur plan is fool proof! and idk cant say much on the whole "have sex with her thing" if you've done it before, afterwards i would say yea go for it. hope i could relieve! :) aw that's really cute. i would be totally surprised if that happened to me! but maybe surrounded by a way she hopes you come..but i don't know

but if you have a opening to contact her friend without your gf knowing i think that might be smart because you should engender sure they don't have any big plans that you'll be interrupting. you dot want to do all that planning and spend adjectives that money and then shes not home right then or shes getting a tour of the town (or something of that sort!)

ok, very well i hope i helped! :)

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