Where can i find a FREE workout plan for a woman?


Is it possible for some one to get pregant who have POLYSISTIC OVARIAN DIASEASE?

Well, I can help. I used to run a gym. But you need to update me your goal. To lose solidity? To get muscular? To increase cardio vigour? How old? Any physical problems?

If to lose shipment, do cardio...anything that raises your heartrate, at lowest possible 3 times a week and for NO LESS than 20 minutes. Your body loses fat where on earth IT CHOOSES, no certain exercise will cut past its sell-by date fat contained by a certain place. Now lifting...working the muscle, will trademark the fat look more TONE. So, to lose stout, walk, waltz around, run on a treadmill, hoola hoop, bike...anything cardo. If you can go for an hour or do it four or five times a week, more the better.

The medication and health information post by website user , womenanswers.org not guarantee correctness , is for informational purposes solitary and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for any medical conditions.

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