I WANT my time ;(?

I'm 13, yeah yeah i know i shouldn't be looking foward to it, but i just want to capture it soon when i'm so aware of it. Anyway, symptoms - Pubic Hair Curly and a lot lot of it. Under arm pelt lot of it. White creamy discharge in undies ;o. Yeah. Also i'm 13 and used to be really big until i together WW last year surrounded by October and lost 30 kilos ;] . And anyway now im 58 kilos and 5'7 is that ok?

Exactly when would you consider a second judgment?

That is fine. With the period situation you own to know that it will not come on command and you won't be ready for it. It will purely start. All the symptoms can happen to a women that have or doesn't have their time. Just be patient and know that it will come soon but that will be a mystery on when. Good luck!

When should a woman own sex? should it be before or after or time of year??

Well I want Hanson to go support to 1996, but it's not gonna happen mate!

You can't always carry what you want. But if you try sometime...you might find. you get what you necessitate.

Why every time i eat do i grasp the diahria?even if i hardly get through i feel nourishing not sick but just hold this?


What are the reasons for females to start spotting?

sweet heart permit mother nature pinch it course.it will get here soon ample.

How do i tell (HELP PLEASE ,answers appreciated)?

Lost solidity recently, may be cause it. You are not late as such, but look for any not as much as in the diet. I give somebody a lift it, you are OK otherwise. So, just hang about n watch.

Birth Control Question?

your lucky so look on the bright side. you'll dislike intensely it as soon as it comes. i cant say in the region of your weight i know stones better than kilos

Is it ok to pierce ur nipples urself?

No i.e. unhealthy. Eat more yogurt and you'll delight in each time as it comes.

My Mirena came out! Now what?

Just try and relax. Your time of year will come when your body is ready. Don't be contained by to big of a hurry. Mood swings and cramps
can be a very bumpy experience. Make sure you keep pad, (or tampons :whatever you prefer), and Tylenol on foot so that you will be ready for your length when it happens.

I took plan b?

It's average for young girls to want this because their friends are getting theirs and it is a sign that you are growing up. I however be NEVER like this. I didn't want it and still don't. and think twice of what you ask for because not every female capture white creamy discharge that could be an infection or std that they got. So see it.

Teenage girl, stretch marks adjectives down legs?

yes baby you hold all the symptoms of grown up big girls
since you said of over solidity that may delay the flow though you own reduced it is not permanent specially within your case.
white creamy discharge is also not severely healthy it smells outlandish.
have you notice if not please do. drink plenty of marine , eat papaya fruit and try to homeopathy medicine calcarea carbonicum and pusatilla-30 potency take for few days alternatively once a day and detail your mom also that even though you signs of big girl but have not get periods yet
can ask further on [email protected]

I havent gotten my period lately.. I used to procure it regularly but now its stopped .. Is something wrong?

I thing is , if you've ever have a growth spurt, it will take a while for your body to confine up with you consequently, [periods] And considering your 5'7 ... it usually comes to skinny people subsequently in your teens.

Could I enjoy POCS?

Math isn't my thing, so I hold no clue about the kilos piece. Go to a site that figures out your BMI (Body Mass Index) to see if you're underweight. If you are next estrogen levels will be too low to own a period. Consult near your doctor to see how you can get to a athletic weight.

If your weightiness is normal, after you should be getting your period any morning now. I don't see why you'd want it. Periods= cramps, bloating, moodswings, and a mess. But it DOES plan that you're officially a woman, which is other fun.

Just be patient, I'm sure it will come really soon. Best wishes! :)

How soon after giving birth is it safe for a woman start have sex again?

Trust me. . .From a person who suffers respectively month beacuse of her period you DON't WANT it.

Wat should i do to gain substance and get bigger boobs?

You hold a yeast infection and most women DONT want to get thier extent. Enjoy the fact you dont enjoy it yet and attain MONISTAT.

I am going away in for weeks and am due to have a interval , i have be to docs and he has given me some tab?

swimmig wall you can
be happy it will be hear my freind is 14 she still dont get it

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