Sex next to cervical cancer.?
Cervical Cancer is frequently cause by Human Papuloma Virus or better known as genital wart. They are transferred by a stran of several different viruses. We can't right to be heard what hers cancer is from, but if it's from the HPV then, yes you absolutely have explanation for concern. years ago, we use to think that if the skin tissue didn't show or hold an active wart, that the skin be free of the HPV. We now know that wart don't awys show, yet the underline skin that appears normal, can be infected and is after capable of transfering the HPV to another unsuspecting individual during sexual contact. especially intercourse because there is so much friction going on at hand during the act. Even wearing a condom will not provide adequet protection as the virus is smaller than the smallest pour in a condom. The virus could smoothly pass right through the pour into your vaginal cavity and infect you, possibly cause you to develop cancer years from now.
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