Birth Controll Question...?
I'm making assumptions base on what you said. It might be best to mark things on your calendar so you can hold track of things. Mark your first Tuesday as 1, second Tuesday 2, third Tuesday 3, then the removal week as 4, later start over with 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.
If you put your 1st ring in on April 10, you will bring it out on May 1. This will be THREE WEEKS.
You will insert a new ring on May 8.
If you are EVER vague, call your pharmacist or your doctor. They can explain things to you as capably.
Any ideas? Woman solely please.?
When you are on the ring, you leave it contained by for 3 weeks and remove it on the 4th week. During the 4th week, you should start your period. Even if you are still on when it's time to insert a trial one, do it! Just be careful while on the ring. Pay close attention to your body. Good luck.- Are there any foods a woman can eat to prevent menstrual cramps?
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