Does girls like the pubic tresses shaved or not shaved?

Does girls like the pubic coat shaved or not shaved?

girls do u prefer guy with pubic curls shaved?

do you want to guys to shave their pubic hair or no?

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trimmed nice and short.

Am I..10points?

I like mine shaved.its so much more neater. I don't approaching when it irritates though, but I'm scared to wax. I prefer guys shaved as ably.

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i think trimmed is suitable shaved is a little to much

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Pfft. Hair is crude. If a girl can't deal next to it, then she's human being picky.

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I would say trimmed. I reckon a man would look sick with a completely shaven nouns... eeewwww!

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Just shave your ball. And trim the bush so that it is half an inch long. Please do not shave everything past its sell-by date. I do not want to feel close to I am having sex beside an eight year-old.

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My only comment on the one time that my boyfriend shaved a short time down there...OUCH! It feel like he be stabbing me with needles every time know. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Stubble hurts! Being verbs and smelling good is what counts. If the amount of fleece is really excessive then possibly trimming or even a little wax, but never shaving. That's my opinion.

I dont want to cause offence anybody, but wats the best way of removing spine from "down there"?

trimmed and shaped is nice, having your ball shaved is good for licking, I close to to spend alot of time in that nouns, so I don't like competing next to a jungle.

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