Migraine headache for 3 days at a time??

I have have headaches since age 5 but after I have my twins 10 years ago they went away completely for 8 years. Now they are hindmost and I get them usually since my period for 3 days straight! Has anyone else have this problem of a burning pain contained by your head that you dance to bed with and rouse up with? I thieve excederin the only entry that helps for a moment. I have be to doctors and none can help me or pass an explanation. Just wondered if any other woman have experienced this and if you know of anything that will assist to relieve this pain.

Have you have your period for more consequently 10 weeks?

I get these every month. I remember man in second position thinking I was dying because my team leader hurt so bad. So I know exactly what you are going through. I bear 1 Excedrin every 2-3 hours and put ice on my collar and my head. They usually shift away by nighttime but I wake up near it again the next daytime. The doctors just give an account me I have "Classic Migraines" and here is not much to do for them. I refuse to rob Imitrex because of the side effects. I just own learned to settlement with it. My entire inherited has them too. You are right near Excedrin. It is the only over the counter pill that works.

If you do want to try Imitrex, budge to their website and they will send you a coupon for a free presciption of pills.

There is a exotic pill coming out this year that is Aleve and Imitex mixed together. You should look into that since you hold had Imitrex previously without side effects. They claim it works better on migraines than anything else. It's call Trexima.

How do i get rid of strech grades?

my friend gets migrines and she take a pill which reduces it

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