Is virginity restoration forceful?

is it effective and how it differs t the organic virgins?


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Even IF the surgical procedure is decisive, my only grill is: WHY would a woman want to go through the bleeding and twinge of having the hymen torn?
Most women dread and some outright disquiet the first act of intercourse because of the discomfort and bleeding and painful aftereffects. Why would one option to recreate that experience?

I don't get it. The concept of VISIBLE virginity is totally worthless in any fully developed country.we're all supposed to be economically educated and informed.

Even from a cultural standpoint, it doesn't clear sense. The hymen is SO terribly flimsy, that a appropriate fall on your butt can rupture it!
And let's not forget too that some women are simply born WITHOUT a hymen at adjectives. Hymenoplasty is ridiculous in this year and age.

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There is absolutely no track to ever get your virginity hindmost... it's not only physical but also stormy.

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it's retarded. hymens are significantly over rated. doctors should be removing them at birth similar to circumcision, not restoring them.

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It's BS.

Doctors will sew up the entrance to the vagina so it appears there's still a hymen.

But the reality is, once virginity is gone, it's gone forever.

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