What's going on to me?

I gave birth to my son four weeks ago and for a week after the confinement i was fine, one and only the stitches from the episiotomy hurt. A week later i started getting symptoms of Cystitis so i go to the doctor and he gave me a 3 daylight course of anitbiotics. After i had finished the course i feel that they hadn't worked very economically as i was still have pain around the initial of my bladder, it feels close to a bruise would. I went pay for to the doctor and he gave me a five light of day course of anitibiotics, i took these and the pain seem to subside a lot more. But consequently i had thrush so i took a cream treatment for that and presently the pain is vertebrae. I really dont know what to do. I've only ever have one other UTI and that was seven years ago. I don't generally suffer with thrush any. I just discern like i can't run out anywhere or take the little one for a walk because i other have the twinge. Its starting to get me down to the point where on earth i can't even enjoy my hot baby. Has anyone have this before? How did you solve it?

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It sounds like you stipulation to find a new doctor, or maybe a gynecologist. All your present MD is doing is treating symptoms by giving you antibiotics. They aren't cure-alls, and they obviously aren't working for you. So find out what's really going on and that will be your first step towards reclamation.

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Go to your doctor again.

When does your time end on the pill?

Go rear legs and talk to your doctor again and don't be afraid to be asked to be referred to a gynecologist. Your Doctor have tried all the marked stuff, this is a specialist area and you requirement a specialist.

Good Luck x

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I have a similar situation with my first son, and it turned out that I be having an allergic reation to the stitches that they placed. If explicitly ok, then I would turn to a urologist if the uti's continue to bring back down to the cause. Good luck and congrats.

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Having a baby change your body in so lots ways, and not always within a good agency. After I gave birth to my first son, I be in the hospital for six days near an undiagnosed bladder infection, as well as uncontrolled hypertension. It be a really difficult time, and I felt indistinguishable as you do: I couldn't enjoy the child. The recovery be difficult even after I got home. Just try and win as much rest as possible. hopefully you have some lend a hand. And do everything your doctor tells you, including taking any medication exactly as prescribed. Good luck, and congratulations!

How can I use birth control to change my term?

Go to a GUM clinic at a hospital. They spend all light of day traeting this sort of thing, so they probably own more experience than your doc. They will be able to better identify the problem, and hopefully dispense you something to sort it once and for all.

G spot what is it and where on earth is?

u doctor doesnt seem to be profoundly of help dos he. the antibocs should hold cleared any infection. make an app. for a economically woman clinic if not one contained by your area, i strongly suggest you attain in contact next to your midwife a.s.a.p. hope u get sorted soon so u can own those lovely walks near ur new kid.

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I have not, but I own had bladder problems my intact life.
try cranberry tablets, they inhibit the propensity of bacteria to attach to the bladder wall. don't drink cranberry liquid though. most of that stuff has profusely of sugar in it and can form it worse. you can get these at the vigour food store along with "yeast fighter" tablets for the thresh. they work really capably.
good luck.

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i am really not sure but i suggest you could still be bruised inside i was incredibly uncomfortable for ages after my 1 st birth mention it to your vigour visitor or stir back to your gp again im sure it will sort itself out soon and you will have a feeling great and able to soak up your new babe good luck hun xx

Can a yeast infection impose a yellow slimy discharge and some agony down there?

if you are using sanitary towels for the loss, don't use the hot modern thin, plastic-y top ones, use the bulky mature fashioned cotton ones. this made 100% difference for me and i healed much faster, also try squirting a bit water round your bits when you wee, maintain a squeezy bottle in the bathroom, also drink tonnes of marine, and also cranberry juice as this help to flush out the type of bacteria that are present within your urnary tract. good luck

What happen when your on ur period and u budge swimming w/out wearing a tampon?

Your hormone imbalance after have your baby could be cause the thrush. I had it for 12 months after have a baby! At tiniest there's more over the counter treatment for it presently - the oral tablet and cream is quite forceful. Antibiotics for cystitis have to be specific, so if your doctor is basically giving you a prescription for the problem without have a water indication analysed, it could be that they are not specific to the infection you have. Insist on something more specific. Good luck and I hope you soon touch much better. Having a new tot around is problem enough healthwise, in need these added stresses.

Does taking acidophillus helps stop yeast infection?

Your child maybe hold been lay very much on your bladder so you are sore and at birth the Doctor possibly had to move you bladder for to procure the baby out.

I suggest rest for your body.

Don't run long walks for some week/weeks watch out with large food eat one and only fish or chicken lean made no grease.

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