Do you ever just grain physically ugly for no sense?


I guess I'm really flat?

Oh yes!Definently!I have hear that hormones make women consistency ugly. Sometimes I can't even look within the mirror. It totally sucks. These emotions fluctuate on a day by day basis for me. One morning I'm pretty or looking fine. The next I'm a margarine,ugly pig. A flawless thing to do(even though I'm in no doubt it sounds corny) is to look at yourself in the mirror and relay yourself that you are pretty.Never put yourself down, I used to and after a while I realized that it be putting a major damper on my life-and everyone involved in my life.Good luck!

How long do I hold to wait after a D&C to step swimming?

when i have a unpromising hair light of day and i mean a unadulterated bad mane day. thats the one and only time though.

What is going on?

Yes. It happens lately out of the blue.

Should i get a unsullied doctor or is it just within my head?

YES.!! :-)

Emergency relief pleaseee!!!!!!!!?

Yes, but I'm also pregnant and hormonal :)

Why didn't the doctor see anything when she performed vaginal ultrasound while essentially i was pregnant?

yes. some days nil seems to work. not the clothes, the spine, make up. or you'll touch fat. ugh. its the worst.

Heavy flow within periods that effect my ordinary life?

Oh yeah. For a while I know I'd gained profoundly of weight, and I avoided mirrors at adjectives costs. Even after using the bathroom, I'd wash my hand with my commander down - avoiding my own scrutiny.

I'm not so bad anymore, but within were days I feel so ugly I would in recent times cry and cry.

Afraid to have sex?

Yes i do but individual when im not myself or something.

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