Late on my period?

I'm a week and a partly past due on my time of year. I simply started working out, and
I own be stressed just about arts school. could this raison d`??tre me to be belated? what things can impose u to be belatedly?


Have you or any one surrounded by your kinfolk be to Dr Lam Loi contained by Bonnyrigg Plaza,NSW?Be aware and proctect ur family

Probably stress....

Brown blood coming from my 'gina?

Stress can kind your time of year behind, but the most adjectives drive is pregnancy...So if that's a possibility, check it first. Also hormone imbalance can generate your extent irregular.

Best wishes,

For Woman just.Is it possible for a cut-throat burn to turn into something more serious?

if u have unprotected sex may be a sign of pregnacy, return with a pregnacy check

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