Gurls individual!?

My period this month be only 4 days long. Ive have my period for over 10 yrs in a minute and its never been that short. What could that possibly be set to?

How much water is too much?

It finances your period is short, nought more. Periods change over time. It scheme absolutely nought.

Can i take relacore near mircette birth control?

Mine was other that short. Consider yourself lucky and don't worry in the order of it.

Took a dose of castor oil, started have contractions,now settled down,should i pilfer another dose?

some of mine are realy short 2.i dont think it technique anyhting

How to get dutiful helath?

do u have irregular period?

Ovarian Cyst?

It's nothing. Mine's be like that too. It's noraml and it would ending for like a week and afterwards suddenly this month i got mine for individual like 3 days. Nothing to freak over really. I'm sure it's no biggie.

Why don't I savour sex with my boyfriend? Please facilitate.?

I would honestly ask a doctor because I dont' know. I'd be happy if mine be only 4 days long.

Embarrasing interview about bleeding?

i dunno i have one it lasted in the region of 2 and a half to 3 days wat up beside dat?

Weight Loss after the Depo Injection?

dont worry!! purely know that next month it will be heavier and later longer!

It is really painful for me , should i be in motion to doctor ?

it's no big deal, it's a short time ago body changes that happends.

The first time you are inimate near a man is it normal to orgasm?

Maybe you're only stressed out..that can cause irregular period..

Is it possible for the uterus to twitch?

well i only win mine for 3 days. I used to get it for 7 days. But i dont reflect on theyre is nothing wrong. once i get it for 14 days :( then after that i started getting it for lone 3 days and it is AWESOME!!

Women only please?

Dont verbs its okay mines are like that too x] my closing period be about 4 days too and i get mines really late this month

Girls singular plz thanks?

Nothing really. Mine does it all the time and so does various other womens its normal nought to worry roughly your body is probably just getting all set to change cycles it does that as you attain older

Is their any passageway to boost ur period?

Have you lost counterbalance recently? I concentration when I lose weight my period are lighter and shorter. Could you be pregnant? You can still have your time if you are pregnant. Was it heavier or lighter than usual? If it was heavier, powerfully i guess all the blood come out faster would be the explanation..On different medications? Some medication can mess with your cycle... I would natter to your doctor if you are concerned. good luck to you!

Smear try-out?

see wikipedia

What do they do in a bladder tieuup?

the with the sole purpose thing i can chew over of, is if you lost some weight lately. loss of weight can bring you're period to move about away for a while.

Do any of you think im flabby?

I don't think that's so desperate. You may start up again in a day or so, though. It happen sometimes.

Side effect of birth control?

Stress can cause change such as that. I wouldn't be too worried about it unless you own other symptoms.

Average healing time after an abortion.?

dont verbs about it.

period sometimes get crazy.

consider yourself a greatly lucky girl.

I really wants to know?

Mine is other that short. Don't worry, be sunny!

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