Sex question.serious answers with the sole purpose please. Thank you!?

I am a 20-year-old female and am occupied to be married this year. Since my fiancée and I got unavailable, we decided not to enjoy any sexual interaction until we are married. I have have 2 other partners beforehand him and have never have an orgasm with them any. The only agency that I have climaxed be by myself... and the only course that works is with river pressure, vibrators have never worked. In enclosure, I have a incredibly low sex drive, it has be 6 months since my fiancée and I have have sex, and I do not miss it. I have asked my doctor going on for this, and she does not take me seriously. What is wrong? Please relief!

Are you suppost to enter your tampon slow or fast?

Are you seeing a own flesh and blood doctor or an OB/GYN? Might try a gynocologist. He/ she can run tests to see if your hormones are ok. Not adjectives women can have an orgasm by sex, some women enjoy to be stimulated by themselves. I'm sorry for your loss, see the gyno! Good luck!

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Nothing is wrong with you. Are you taking birth control pills that could be the justification. Or maybe you stipulation more hormones. You just call for to talk to your doctor seriously or catch another doctor.

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Sounds like you hold low hormones. You should go to your gyno - not regular doctor. Have them lug your blood and check your hormone levels (mainly estrogen). If they are too low, you might entail to take a supplement. Good luck near the wedding!!

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!- ask for libeto enhancers. 2- im sure something has to turn you on sexually. Try watching movies beside your partner or going to sex classes for couples. But if all else fail libeto enhancers will definetly get it started for you. Its a pill you purloin to help you achieve sexually aroused. You will most definetly have an orgasim them.

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Stress, existence, work, relationships, social life etc can adjectives be factors... I reflect women just dance through it sometimes. At 20 a womans libido is no where close a man at the age of 20. They're at their peak and we won't hit our until just about 10 yrs later lol (nice, huh?). Sometimes waiting for something to occur can just prolong it (ie waiting for your sex drive to boost). The more you verbs the more it'll keep arranged, most likely. It's really not a big business deal (unless you are the one going through it lol). I'm sure things will be fine.

Your orgasm takes time. Some women can't orgasm from vaginal stimulation, but can from clitoral stimulation and vice versa. It's something you may be capable of easily do yourself but guideline someone else and being comfortable satisfactory to do it w/ someone else is a whole untried game! A terrifically low amount of women can neither orgasm vaginally nor clitorally... terrible! But true. And some can orgasm from only just someone looking at them! (also not fair lol)

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