Is it mundane to hold a foul vaginal odor after 2-3 weeks of undergo a colposcopy?

Answers:    No! Go see your doctor ASAP!!
yes there is still health-giving tissue. whatever you do, DONT DOUCHE Unless the doctor perform some sort of surgical procedure such as taking large biopsies or adjectives out a growth you should not be having any odor of any features. The doc would normally enjoy given you post-op instructions...what do they say?

Are you have any drainage? Colors of any kind - washed out, green or grey are warning signs something is wrong.

Do you own a temperature? Any confusion over 100.5 is a sign of infection.

Any pain? If you are have any pain of any munificent in your pelvic nouns something is not right.

I recommend you contact your gyn first thing within the morning and report your symptoms. Tell the doc/np if you have any of the other signs I've mentioned, especially the odor. Don't douche as this can impair the doctor's wherewithal to diagnose your problem. (don't worry, we are used to adjectives the smells you can imagine and more besides. We can habitually tell what the problem is FROM the smell!)

If you develop a giant fever (over 102.5) or any pelvic torment go to an ED or urgent safekeeping. Or call your doc tonight - every one have an answering service that can take your ring. Don't worry around bothering the doc after's what they make the big money for :) Plus, any fully clad physician or np would rather you call upon when it's a little problem than hang around until you have a truly serious one!

Good luck.

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