Have you heard that mammograms do breast cancer?

I read in a medical monthly today that the compression used to do a mammogram actually cause breast cancer. Any tiny cysts that you may have will burst due to the compression and later the cancer will mulitply. Think about how oodles women got breast cancer after they have their first mammogram..

Is there any site where on earth i can get adjectives HEALTH MEDICINE?

Yes. There are studies and articles in adjectives sorts of journals that support your sound out. I know it's hard to hear because it go against what we have be brainwashed to believe. I am not posting the links because if you truly cared give or take a few alternatives you would research your head rotten looking for them. They are everywhere. (directed to other posters).

It's everyone's personal choice to choose mainstream drug or alternative medicine to treat breast cancer. You'd be suprised the number of women who hold cured their own...but most won't likely choose/find that course because of adjectives the intimidation they are pelted near from society, family, doctors.

In my inference, you should weight the pros and cons of respectively and make the choice YOURSELF. The stats alone would build people consider alternative therapy.

There are always 2 sides to every story and in attendance are more than one way to treat/prevent breast cancer. ;)

Be a all right educated long-suffering if you are ever on the fence and have need of to make this choice.


it's logical. well brought-up info.

Anyone using Seasonale? Any problems?

absolutely not! mammograms are so important and you should grasp them once a year after you turn 40. so many lives are save by early detection. women don't obtain breast cancer after their mammogram they discover the lumps! early detection is so central! you have your facts track wrong!

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any radiation exposure involves some risk of causing cancer.

The amount of radiation used to do an x-ray is rightly small... about equal to a couple of days worth of sunlight. So the risk is fundamentally small... but just as sunlight CAN create skin cancer... any x-ray can cause cancer.

The definite reason that women tend to take cancer after their first mammogram, rather than beforehand it is... you are more likely to get hold of breast cancer as you get elder. So.. since you will get elder after your first mammogram... your odds of getting breast cancer afterword are difficult than before you hold had one.

Thong pad?

Women did not get breast cancer after their first mammo--it be found with their first mammo. I am a nurse and enjoy never heard of this. It is celebrated to get mammos and do self breast exams to detect precipitate cancers.

Period and emotion?

Care to site your source, or are you simply trying to scare women?

I've have guys handle my breasts more roughly than the mammogram mechanism...I question anything it was you may or may not hold read about this...

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