I finally had after approaching 3 months.When we finally did something, my period started. what does that imply?

i just have my period a week and a partially ago. why did it have to come and ruin my together weekend. Its like i have my period twice surrounded by 1 month. Is that normal? Did it own anything to do with sex?

What is "Charting"?

You don't utter how old you are. If you're a minor, then it's not exceptional for girls to have irregular period at this age. It's less adjectives as you get elder, but still not exactly uncommon. Chances are it didn't enjoy anything to do with sex. If you're have unprotected sex, though, you should get a pregnancy oral exam. If you continue to enjoy bleeding more than once a month, you should see a physician so he can check to see if you're getting anemic. That would be a reason to conceivably start birth control pills to regulate your cycle. If you're bleeding a lot more than average girls do, go see a doctor soon--especially if you ever draw from dizzy when you stand up.

What the average age for first time pergnant?

Was it your first time having sex? Did you not long start taking BC? Did you recently enjoy a major surgery near anastesia? There are a few things that could cause it to be three months, including stress and poor drinking habits, including, but not predetermined to purging, binging and bulimia.

Soft tampons, what are the advantages over normal tampons?

some women hold irregular cycles. this is especially common when you're a young person.

sometimes sex can cause your term to just come about if you haven't had it for a long time. kinda resembling how sex during the last stages of the third trimester of pregnancy can induce labor. it's pretty awkward, sure, but if the guy's develop enough, he won't safekeeping.

if you're concerned about irregularity shift see your doctor.

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