What the average age for first time pergnant?


Strange period?

Whenever you enjoy sex. See, there's a couple of funny little things call eggs, and sperm, and when they get together, they receive a baby.

It have nothing to do next to age, except for you have to enjoy your period, which vehicle you're fertile.

What age is too old for a woman to own kids?

there is no average age... some women can get pregnant at 12, some at 60. ages alter

Period has be 2 weeks late for the recent past 2 months?

i would personally articulate 25-30 but when you are ready!!

Why after losing my virginity my vagina is other wet and strong smell?

You can acquire pregnant as young or younger than 10.
But average age that women win pregnant is around 25.
My mother was pregnant near me when she was 17 though

Pap smear?

between 22-24 is a adequate time :]

If I use the same nasal decongestant spray that I used 6 months ago when I be sick will I get sick again?


Im illergic to condoms what should i use?

The average age is 27-29 for first time mothers.

Please support!!?

there is no age u can so from wen ur periods start rite up to in the order of 65 for some people i get pregnant wen i was 17 have the bby wen i was 18 i am immediately 19 with a beutiful 9 month ripened daughter

Blood in when urinating.please read!!?

I be 15.

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