Two aching bumps have developed on the inner oral cavity of my vagina, after using Nair Hair Removal.what are they?

The look kind of close to a pimple or blister. I have never have any sexual contact.

Itch/burn OW! help please. juvenile female issues.?

don't use nair fundamental your genitals. EVER. you've developed an irritation.

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Ingrown will enjoy to open the bumps near a needle to free the curls. Good luck

Im scared..i dont want to start my peirod.. please back me?


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ingrown curls! ouch! i feel so doomed to failure for you! heat compress and preserve it lotioned up, get more showers, to provoke hair growth, it will be in motion away, i promise, but it will be a bit painful for a while.

Can I Do Anything ABout it?

its probably some allergic repercussion u had to it or perchance ur just sensitive down here. I would stay away from that stuff..i know i cant use stuff like that...but it will probably move about away by itself pretty soon.

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Sweety, you just get irritation down there, trust me i used that stuff and broke me out worse than two bumps! Nothing to be alarmed next to. I would suggest not using it anymore, I cant use it at all because i enjoy a bad allergic counterattack to it. I would put a warm washcloth on them, and that will afford you some relief. Good luck!

Im due on but i enjoy a date, how can i delay it?

Sounds similar to ingrown hairs...they will be extraordinarily painful...I would approaching to SAY DO NOT USE NAIR! Your area here is much to sensitive. You may just want to put a hydrocortisone creme a small amount on the bumps...or believe it or not rime pack there a short while..the hair need to grow out..they are growing in..if you draw from more swelling or see it looks like they are infected see your dr. he or she will know how to get the ingrown hair out.
Hope I have help you...p.s. soak in a melt oils no bubbles..purely ebson necessitate to get these bumps where on earth they will be soft enough for the hackle to ome through.

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acid burns, stop using that stuff, be intuitive it says dont use it down at hand.

Veginal infections - how frequent?

You may have an irrition to it. I know I do.

I get the impression really strange?

You should NEVER use Nair or anything like it for the genital nouns. The directions on the bottle clearly tell you what areas it's not dangerous for use and which areas to avoid.

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