Has anyone gotten an abortion from planned motherhood?

i'm pregnant. and i literally am the most scared i've ever been surrounded by my life. i need to obtain an abortion but im just so scared to do business with it :( has anyone out within gotten one from planned parenthood or anywhere and they can tell me going on for their experience? just help me perceive a little better...maybe pass me some tips? please, thankk you!

33 year elderly womanly tubes tied 12years ago. Past 3 months neutral spotting period next to a clear discharge?

I've never done it, but I went with a friend who did, she needed a shoulder and a driver, so I be there for her. Even though I don't agree with abortion, I do touch every woman should have a choice. I sat next to her through the procedure, she was in some throbbing, but she paid more and got put below instead of just a local anesthetic. She was sore and feel sickly the next day, bled some, but she be fine overall. She did not want and couldn't afford a baby, and didn't want it put into the already overloaded foster care system, or to enjoy a bad life, so I touch like she did the right thing. The family were nice and professional, and they will work with you on payments if you are not so lavish, they have a sliding scale and such. Good luck, and I'm sorry you hold to make this hard decree. Don't let anyone get you down roughly it, because it's a hard one, but it's yours alone to make. Please assume carefully before you walk about this issue, and please be more careful surrounded by the future. Best wishes.

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I also have hear that planned parent hood isnt the nicest place to have the procedure done. I had an abortion within december & called around to different places to find the best one, and planned parenthood be the worst. The guy that answered the phones and made the appointments was snotty and condescending, they are more expensive and they also dont offer anesthetic (general or local). This is a complicated time in your life, so i would definately look around for another provider. The place i go to in ( i live in colorado, call mayfair womens center) was great. The nurses were thoroughly sympathetic and informative, they explained the procedure, and answered all of my questions, no sugar coating involved. They also give me a local anesthetic and pain medicine, so i really didnt surface anything & it only took about 6 minutes for the actual surgery. The rest of the time be spent waiting and then recovering. No bleeding at all after the procedure, and they give me a 3 week checkup. So i would advise you definately go to a place that does propose an anesthetic, it makes all the difference. Also, my friend go to planned parent hood and had a medical abortion (where you take a pill and after have a pill inserted in your uterus) and she said she thought she be going to die. She said it was very raw, she blacked out, was throwing up, was sick and couldnt meander for three days. Not sure if that is how that process is supposed to work, or if it was only bc it was supplied by planned parenthood... moral luck.

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Don't go to that organization and choose a different choice. There are plenty of people who would love to have your babe-in-arms.

Planned Parenthood is not a good-hearted organization, and any such portrayal is a deception.

Planned Parenthood be recently exposed taking money for a racist cause - abort babies from black people. They're a bunch of conniving scoundrels who are other covering for their founder, Margaret Sanger, one of the most weird, most strange and most bizarre people who have ever walked the face of the Earth.



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I didn't want to answer this question, but feel I had to after reading all of the answers you enjoy received so far. I was in your situation once, too. I be young, had no money, and not physically or mentally prepared to vigilance for a child. I didn't have unprotected sex, though. There was a opening in the condom. The guy was a go into spasm and disappeared and I was faced beside the same situation you are in immediately. I went to Planned Parenthood. They discussed all the option with me, but did not encourage me to choose any guaranteed one. The choice was left to me and me alone. I chose what I thought be best. I couldn't afford general anesthesia and had simply the local done. The staff was excellent. They were as docile as possible and explained everything before they did it. The nurses were great and the follow up consideration was, too. I still feel guilty for making the choice, but at like peas in a pod time, I reflect on what the child's life would hold been like have I gone through and given birth. I would have been on Medicaid and welfare. The child would never own the good life that I have as a child. I have watched friends of mine who give birth at early ages and how much they resent missing out on so much and not being competent to provide their child with new clothes or adjectives the new toys out there. Discipline is seriously poor because they were not mentally prepared to be mothers and cannot tolerate the temper tantrums, so they a short time ago let their kid run wild and do doesn`t matter what they want in order to not hold to deal with screaming and crying. Planned Parenthood does not back up or try to force you into having an abortion, but they are supportive of any decision that you take home. If you feel this is the right decision for you and it would be best for both you and the fetus, after go ahead with it. Don't consent to others make up your mind for you. They don't know what you are facing and what you are dealing with right immediately. I always say, "Just because you are physically competent to give birth, doesn't mean that you should". I aspiration you luck with your decision and if you own any other questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Egh .. girls please helpp!?

if you eagerly had sex, i think you should pay packet for your mistake and not make an unborn human being earnings for it for you. give the baby up for adoption: brand another family happy and present your child a good life. biddable luck :)

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My friend had an abortion, but sorry I don't know where she have it done. Good luck, we are here for you.
It will be alright.

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