How do I throw up food after drinking it?

I am gaining lurk and my friend wants me to come to a pool carnival with her...but I can bareley fit into my bathing suit and my mom wont tolerate me buy a new one...i necessitate to loose weight contained by less than a month for this i decided to throw up...but i doin't know how...

can someone please relay me how to in detail because this is my first time


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don't do it
it's totaly not healthy
and you will hold really bad
breath and it will make you smaller quantity
attactive. do it the healthy approach and
adn you will ahve mroe energy and will have
a crude glow! perfect luck i am sure u look grest

What kind of doctor should i see? i'll be going tomorrow.?

Do not do this. This is call bulimia and it isn't healthy. There are better ways to lose immensity. Try jogging and consumption healthier. Those things won't create your hair fall down out.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... i wont tell u cuz its really unpromising and u could b-come anarexic! thats BAAAAD! please dont even try! just loose cargo the healthy agency! eat right and excersise day after day!! please DONT!

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WHATEVeR YOU DO DO NOT THROW UP!! i am serious it is really bleak for you and your dental health loose wieght the usual way you could acquire anorexic or bulimic
best of luck!

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Throwing up food is bad for you due to the bitter in your stomach thinking of vomiting you could vomit.

Try ingestion low cal foods teamed with extensive exercise, that will oblige lots.

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What?! Don't do that! There is no way to lose counterbalance quickly and making urself vomit is noticeably NOT the way to lose solidity. It not only could organize to an eating disorder but the acerbic from ur stomach will rot ur teeth. It is meant to stay surrounded by ur stomach, not in ur mouth. Oh, babe, please don't do that! U'll solitary get deeply sick.

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u can die from it and it is horrible
u have to shift t rehad if u do...dont do it

I have stitches after my it good doing work resembling sitting work.mobing floor etc?

What you are contemplating is NOT normal.
The reality that you are willing to risk your strength just to impress your friends is disturbing.

It will not help out you to lose weight, contained by fact it will do the differing.
Your body will go into "starvation mode" and try to droop on to everything that it can, which will be stored as fat, so that your body have something to live on during the times you starve yourself.

Do you want MORE fat?

Turn the computer sour.

Go for a walk.

Walking is much more beneficial than sitting at the PC complaining going on for how fat you are.

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Don't start that stupid way of wieght loss it will adversely effect your strength . It six small healthy meal a day to stoke your metabolism and exercise at most minuscule 30 minutes a day and you will be fine .

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