Women's Health - Fibroid?

Have been told that i enjoy a small fibroid. Went to see a specailist who seemed not concerned at adjectives about it. I carry very starchy periods and unpardonable pain. The headache feels close to labour and i leave behind clots. I also get lower vertebrae ache adjectives the time. The specialist said i should have an IUD fitted which will receive my periods smaller number heavy but i am not going for that. Sould i be concerned nearly the fibroid?

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Fibroid growths are not natural life threatening. They can occur within the breasts or reproductive organs as a result of hormonal imbalance, usually too much estrogen. This is also what contributes to difficult period, terrible cramps and serious PMS symptoms. Natural practitioners repeatedly recommend using cream containing natural progesterone to be exact applied to the skin to restore your hormonal balance. I would rouse you to look into this option.

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I consider you should get a second view. My mother had fibroids, and opt to have a hysterectomy at the age of 40. if they don't bother you they are fine, but when it starts to be symptomatic i imagine that's when it may require treatment. Over time they get bigger, and they do hold laser surgeries available that can zap them away, which is better than having to own a hysterectomy later on. Furthermore, I read that they can interfere beside pregnancy. I think you should read up on it, and whip your concerns to another doctor.

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I take a great product. It is for a different condition but it be created for fibroids. It is called Neprinol. They of late found that it have various other benefits. The condition I have is unbelievably simaler. Fibrin build up and hardens. This stuff broke them down. The webiste have alot of good science stuff to explain and slides showing how it works. I enjoy been taking it for more or less 2 years I think. It is a short time expensive but well worth it. The cool piece is that it all unprocessed. here is the company website. www.biomediclabs.com . If you decide to try it you can buy it on amazon.com.

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Not if it is small and you are young. They can usually treat it in need trouble. BUT if you let it it may grow to the size of a baseball or loaf of bread (like mine) and they can lone remove it along with your uterus. If disappeared too long fibroids can indeed be dangerous - they motivation heavy bleeding which lead to anemia and a large tumour can impinge on the proper function of your kidneys (like me) and they enjoy to take special precautions to prepare you for surgery and salvage. Monitor what you have very soon and don't let it procure too far along.

Does anyone ever.?

Hi there, I own a fibroid too it isn't uncommon. I dont gain heavy period or terrible niggle though, that sounds like a hormone problem.

dont be concerned roughly the fibroid at this stage but in a few years draw from it checked out again as they do grow larger and they can spread. my mother had so several she had to enjoy a hysterectomy but they had be growing for about 30 years so don't hysterics.

I'm on antibiotics, not on birth control, my period is 2 days deferred, should i be worried?

I think it depends how dated you are. If you are approaching the menopause, and with merely a small fibroid, it might be why not much is being done - as I grasp fibroids shrink after the menopause. However if you are having plentifully of bleeding, and it seems that you are, you will draw from other problems without treatment - eg anaemia from blood loss which will construct you very not at your best. If you are not close to 50 years old, afterwards perhaps it would be astute to return to your GP and ask for a second opinion, ie near another specialist. It sounds like you should do that anyway! Don't deferment.

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I had a hysterectomy at 35 due to fibroids. For oodles years, too many to remember, I have extremely heavy and mortifying periods - habitually too heavy to walk off the house for 3 days and the pain could trade name me be sick or pass out. Life become miserable. My male gp wasn't sympathetic - next I got feed up and went to see a feminine. Appointment with gynaecologist confirmed fibroid the size of a grapefruit, and the hysterectomy be traumatic because of the size of that fibroid. Dont leave it - it will lone cause you problems for the adjectives and make duration miserable when it doesn't have to be. If you're historic wanting children, go for anything treatment will permanently eradicate the problem. I'm glad I did. I've never regretted it and what a shift it made to my life.

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Fibroids are benign lesion which can be attached to the outside wall, within the wall, or projection into the uterus. They can increase in size until the menopause, next they tend to shrink on their own.

If you do nothing your bleeding may progress until you become significantly anaemic and you may run out up with little choice but to enjoy significant surgery,

The use of Mirena coils to decrease bleeding have been a Major mortgage and is by far the least invasive solution. I would insist on reconsidering, chat to your doctor again this nouns has tons pros and few cons!

Hysterectomy? (sorry if spelled wrong)?

i had fibroids ending year.. my moyher died of utrine cancer aged 52. i was unnerved,, i had duplicate type of problems, heavy period pain flooding . nil really helped,tried allsorts of pills and potions,, fibroids are nil 2 worry in the order of but if they r causing u 2 much trouble and you havent finished have your family u can obtain them removed.. if u have finished your toddler days do what i did,, a total hysterectomy gave me put a bet on my life,, and i can wear white trousers minus fear,,, pious luck x

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