I'm on antibiotics, not on birth control, my period is 2 days behind time, should i be worried?
If your not using birth control, YES, you should be worried. Now be smart-if you aren't pregnant, please swot up from this, and start using something if your going to continue to be sexually alive. It could also be stress causing you to be in arrears, but I suggest a pregnancy test to be 100%. Please pocket care of yourself, you will be glad you did!
*Nurse Annnie-be actual, wait two weeks? Right, close to any girl who suspects she may be pregnant can do that--girl, go right immediately and get you a audition from Wal-Mart..if it's time for your period and it's not here, the question paper should be accurate. If it will make you grain better, buy a box of two and take one in a minute and one in the morning when you wake up up with your first morning urine. Good Luck~
It's possible that this could be due to stress and illness but pregnancy can other be a possibility especially if you use the withdrawal method- this have a very large failure rate since pre-ejaculate could enjoy been present. If you grain you may be pregnant, your best bet is to wait at least possible two weeks after a missed period, and see your doctor for a blood pregnancy exam as this is the most accurate way of conducting tests.
The withdrawal method is as modernized in prevent pregnancy as Russian ROulette is at preventing suicide. In other words, IT DOESN'T WORK.
Yes, you are underneath a lot of stress, but yes, you could also be pregnant. However, it's too precipitate to find out. But, get an HPT tackle and when the label say you can use it, USE IT.
If this is only just about stess, count yourself lucky, very, massively lucky. And see a doctor or go to a sexual vigour clinic to learn almost contraception and how to use it. Further, like it or not, condoms are no longer only just about preventing pregnancy. they are in the region of SAVING LIVES. Use them.
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