I have be on Nuva ring for 5 months I'm producing breast milk again. Could I be pregnant?

My daughter is 10 mos. I was on the minipill and switched to Nuva Ring roughly speaking 5 mos ago. I recently took antibiotics for a sinus infection, I have a light time this month, but noticed I am producing breast milk again. My milk dried up monts ago after I stopped breast feed. Could I be pregnant?

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If you are using the ring properly, then I would articulate that it's highly unlikely that you are pregnant. An antibiotic shouldn't affect the Nuva Ring because it doesn't hold to be processed by your liver like the pill. Instead it is right within the place it needs to be, so to speak. Certain antibiotics(particularly in the penicillin family) interfere beside the pill(though research is inconclusive in a lot of respects) because of the track that they are processed. An antibiotic taken orally should not interfere next to the NuvaRing. You may be producing breast milk again because of the ring,or because you were so not long breastfeeding. Any hormonal birth control can produce lactation as a side effect, to women who have have children or those who have not. I lactated slightly for a brief term of time(about 1-2 months) while on the ring, and I was checked for any breast problems and thyroid problems, as okay as for pregnancy and everything came posterior normal. However, no birth control method is 100%, so in that's always the possibility that you could be pregnant. Take a theory test to be sure, but I wouldn't sweat it too much. Good luck :)

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Lactation follows childbirth and is not a sign of pregnancy.

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it is a possabiilty sorry to say it. i hear that nuva ring is a good birth control to be on...but one never know. sorry but whatever god requirements to happen it will happen, anyways that is the track i feel.

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There is other a possibility that you are pregnant, because nuva ring is not 100% effective. Additionally, antibiotics alter the usefulness of birth control.
Just take a pregnancy try-out to make sure. Good Luck!

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