Could I be..? please assistance.?

I cut back from caffeine for yesteryear month now, and previously I got my term, my breasts were really sore and be really itchy. I just get off my extent last week, and my boobs are still sore and still itch, but not as much. It seem to me as if they got a bit bigger, because my bras are a bit tight. Is this adjectives normal or should I be worried roughly speaking it being something else, or are my boobs merely growing. By the way I'm 21 weigh 110lbs. and am also using birth control. I started my interval on the 14 and was supposed to be bad by the 18 then I notice some brown discharge, what can that be. It wasn't much, but still. I would really appreciate all the answers I get. I've be on birth control now for days gone by 2 years and nothing seem to be changing till very soon. I use the nuva ring. Could I be pregnant?

Girls, help me out please!?

Everyone say GO TO THE DOCTOR! like its an emergency but its not. the brown discharge it simply old blood mixed near the new discharge. Also your boobs are react to your period! Mine acquire bigger and sometimes sore and itchy before during and after my interval. I highly doubt you are pregnant! but it wouldnt hurt to acquire a test. And if you are really worried I would read out go to the doctor but I dont regard as it is anything to worry going on for

Is my sister's boobs huge?


Can you gain wait beside your period?

Best entity to do is to get support from your doctor.

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GO 2 DA OB GYN, u could be. it could b a clot try and stop the bc it ruins u in the long run, trust me i no from experience.

Women, how infirm were you when you?

The brown dis. is mundane towards the end of your term. While your on your period your breast can be tender and itchy, its mundane too. But if you think your pregnant than catch tested, or buy a test. Heck my sister finanlly grew breast after being on BC after 3 years. So it can evolve. We are all different.

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Well this could be two things... Pregnant... or final maturation.
When girls are about 20 their bodies go through a final maturation burst of hormones to get their body all set for the prime child birthing years. They usually grow an inch or two, put on 10-15lbs and may increase a cup size. Cup increase is also happens during the first month of pregnancy.
Go to a $1 store and win like 5 EPT, filch one a day and after a week you still enjoy all negative assume this is just the inborn process.
Good luck!

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