Causes of vaginal bacterial growth?

last week i was diagnosed next to a vaginal bacterial growth ... i don't feel any burnning or any iching i am in recent times having a brownish discharge and the uters is little bit bulky .. the dr give me some antibiotic so that i wont effect my husbna d during intercourse and i am sure that i am so clean but i of late want to know what are the causes of this symptom can any one help

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You can have bacterial vaginosis (BV) that doesn't own any symptoms. If that is the casing with you, your gynecologist should enjoy had you set up a follow-up appointment to kind sure that the antibiotic treatment actually cured you. BV is usually zilch too dangerous, but if it is not here unchecked it can sometimes lead to more serious illnesses resembling pelvic inflammatory disease. This can make you thoroughly sick and/or infertile. Make sure you take adjectives your antibiotics.

Anyway, a lot of things can make happen bacterial infections. Normally your vagina has beneficial organisms that flourish in that and kill sour invaders, but they don't always succeed. Things that can irritate the vagina and fashion it more susceptible to BV are:
Use of an IUD
Poor hygeine
Use of deodorizing tampons
Untreated diabetes or other chronic illnesses

The bacteria itself can come from almost anywhere. Bacteria surround us... it's singular when they get wild that it becomes a problem.

I enjoy a tubal ligation question?

sometimes too mush moisture will mete out bacteria to grow faster, strong cloth softener, perfumes, tub jells, shower wash, not completely drying after shower or tub.

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