Had a colcoscopy for cervical cancer ending week.?
That nurse have a terrible attitude problem and you should complain going on for her conduct..having what you hold had surrounded by very invasive and you should be getting like mad of support,go to your docotrs today and emergency painkillers..beofre this proceedure they should of informed you of the side effects and taken more care of your emontional well-being..for the stiffness side try "valarian"tables from the chemist..you also ned to converse to a friend or relative and have a flawless cry sometimes.I remeber i had an "internal"scan when i be expecting my last child..i found it so disturbing i be phyiscaly sick afterwards..and you are going through much more than what i went through.
whip care dear...here if you longing to talk!
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I have a colposcopy many years ago and I remember the after effects powerfully!You need to contact the hospital or clinic that you have it done at and tell them in the order of your problem. It could be that you just obligation a little reassurance that it's moderately normal or they may want to check you out purely to be on the safe side.
I know it's undemanding for me to say but don't verbs, it will only fashion matters worse. I know.. be there done that.
Send me a message if you want someone to chat to who have been through this. I can't guarantee I enjoy all the answers but I will do what I can to abet.
Good luck.
You have a right to know what is going on near your body,but for some damn reason they want to enjoy you on pins&needles.Thats not right at all! I be looking at my chart one day within the health center&the damn nurse have a FIT! U MUST TALK TO THE DOCTOR FIRST! What the hell was that roughly speaking? Some of the nurses at these health centers do be have attitudes even when you ask them a simple question similar to your interrupting them when all they're doing is running their mouths near coworkers. GO TO THEIR BOSS. GET WELL SOON.
I'm sorry to hear that I myself use to enjoy bad bleeding problems but mine be an enlarged uterus had to carry a hysterectomy, just hang on to telling them your concerns and hopefully you won't enjoy to go through what I did Good Luck
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i had a colcoscopy, and know that nearby were lots of night that my cramping would overcome my sleeping, i don't understand why they give you sleeping pills, and not give you something to stop the cramps, when my cramps would quit hurting i could sleep it wasn't that i merely could not sleep i just hurt to unpromising to sleep. sometime of a night i would stand it a hot shower as hot as i could stand it .(shower because they told me not to steal any baths cause of infection). anyways the hot shower would support me relax and my cramps would not hurt as bad. i will you the best of luck. with what you are going through!Why hold I not stopped my period?
for warning and support from people who infer what you are going through please take a look at this sitehttp://www.jotrust.co.uk/
I hold gone through two colposcopies and have so much support from the wonderful those registered at Jos it's well worth only taking a look even if you dont want to register as a member.Jo's is the prime cervical cancer charity in England and is recogonised by Cancer Research uk and Macmillan.
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