My breast ??

i am 13 years old and my breasts are still developing . is it majority for them to be sore and to hurt ... sometimes i wake up within the morning and they hurt really bad should i be in motion to a doctor ?

Period help girls please oblige again.?

It's perfectly common for your breasts to be tender especially just up to that time the menstrual cycle because of the change surrounded by hormone levels.

Make sure your bras fit all right, take something for the aching and use a hot compress (hot wash cloth), heat pad or hot shower to assistance ease some of the throbbing.

I don't know if you drink coke/pepsi or eat seriously of chocolate but those can make the breast pain worse.

Blood clottings?

>>No, that is in recent times hormones. They will probably be tender on and off for tons years to come. Typically you will have soreness close to that during your period.

18 and elder please..question around pelvic rest?

this is very usual. they are sore because they are still developing. i went through indistinguishable thing. only just stick in within.

Ladies plz..i have hear and i think its true that when u catch ur period it hurts resembling cramps and stuff?

That's absolutely typical. Just pop a couple aspirins when they get fruitless. Do they feel better once you bring in a hot shower? This may nouns weird, but heat pads may assistance if they do.

Loosing weight! why?

I'm not saw there is anything majorly wrong, but i would shift to the doctor just for re-assurance. Doctors are here for that kind of article.

Nose bleed?

yes it is normal I remember when my daughters started and my younger one would read out my chest hurts. It goes away after a while.

I haven't have a period within two weeks and i'm 38yrs. old should i be worried?

hey it's moderately normal
my gf had impossible to tell apart complaint

just stay chilll
and delight in your youth


Pleez help?

i feel it's normal. you're still within that developing stage and will continue a few more yrs at smallest. are they tender or painful? if they are tender it is particularly normal. don't verbs unless it's so painful you cant even unclothed it. otherwise, tell your parent(s) and see roughly speaking seeing a doctor just to check and see if everything is going ok.

Dildo facilitate please.?

You are normal..your breasts typically will be sore and engorged beside blood as you approach your menstral cycle. this should subside as the menses cease and your body prepares for the subsequent go round. As you obtain older this discomfort will lessen but nevertheless verbs .
Your mom may allow you to take one motrin to alleviate the agony. Drink lots of water. Welcome to womanhood

Do males and females own gonads?

Yes, it is normal, nought to worry almost. Just grin and bear puberty, can be a crazy time for you.

What is the gooey that comes out from any girl after having sex next to someone, and what does it do?


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