Can I of late tell you what kill me inside?

Can I just inform you what kills me inside?
Can I freshly tell you what kill me inside?
everyday I look at myself in the mirror and see nothing but this misshapen worthless piece of c Im so depressed and today I ate so much I locked myself in the bathroom and started making mysaelf throw up and it feel so good to get through its so comforting and when i thre it up i felt secured I feel that i wouldnt have to verbs.I loved it and it kills me that I do and I enjoy this craving to do it friends my family they dont take they never will because this depression,anxiety leads me to thinking roughly speaking suicide I wonder what if I just bring that knife and stab myself I wouldnt surface this pain that o other cry about.I shout I yell I mask myself by smiling.GOSH GOD PLEASE JUST HELP ME I WANNA BE HAPPY I WANNA FEEL SECURED I WANNA FEEL 112 pounds 5'2 and everyone tells me i dont enjoy to lose weight but I perceive like layer of fat is flaccid from my leg.

I think i could be preg plz own a look thank you?

Baby girl, I have walk in your shoes...I hold been surrounded by that very ominous place where I feel that suicide was the way out but then I realize all the blessings that I have in this world. Maybe home and friends may not exactly know what you are going through,(no one really does unless they have have the same experience) but you won't know unless you try to sermon to someone. And you have to agree to someone! If you don't already have one, you are doing a tour to an eating disorder which will simply make things worse. PLEASE aim help. Go to someone you trust (if you are a youngster, go to an full-grown you trust) and ask them to find you the help you involve. It is possible to climb out of this...with tolerance and help from a trained professional and possibly a time on an anti-depressant. The shrink will help you generate the decisions within these areas that are best for you. The time has come to stop locking yourself and these state of mind in the bathroom. You force the shadows into the light, it have no place else to go! I will be praying for you. God bless.

How does a female understand that she is pregnent?what are the symtoms?

omg!! i quality for you i really do! i know you dont want to go to the theripist but hun you entail to! i really feel desperate for you i will pray for you too.

Love, lauren PS if you need someone to gossip to email me!!

Ok I have a a bit embarassing question?


My Rainbow?

sweety capture help.this is common if you're a teenager. you will deliberate this is the end of the world...but seriously progress to the councelor, because it won't be cool if you end your duration over something you will later gurgle about.

Ok um my vagina is itchy and at hand is white stuff where the spine grown. im barely 13 && havent have sex before?

Wow. Hun you enjoy an eating disorder. I also, know roughly depression. I am a cutter. I suggest you see a psychiatrist or a counseler. It helped me alot.

Hysterectomy grill?

um. this can lead to annerexia or suicide

don't touch bad roughly yourself because you think your round. i was once thinking i be to fat to live (but adjectives my friends were adjectives like. oh no you ain't) and so like

i saw the holiness in pudidng. and alot of exercise.

hey! you should do some running it give you endorphines! and its like runners illustrious and you feel really perfect about everything in the world and your adjectives tripin without the consequence of run

and it made me get the impression skinnier!
=) but don't worry something like it

My period please minister to me!!?

just slow down take duration one day at a time find a friend how will listen and answer one and only when you need it things will find better

I have a really impossible stomache pain?

You really obligation to get help out. Go talk to a loved one or a counselor or a trusted don about your problems. Please don't do this to yourself, you deserve abundantly better. Please call 1-800-SUICIDE if you ever quality like hurting yourself close to you said. I wish you the best.

Does getting the right BRA and fitting when your YOUNG and onwards..?

you asked a incredibly important interrogate in this statement
My dear if you really believe contained by God it states in the Bible ask and ye shall recieve==so maintain the faith and permit God do the rest=hang in at hand

Is it safe to masturbate? medically and non-medically speakikng?

#1) DONT MAKE URSELF THROW UP, IT IS HORRIBLE FOR YOU- and 4 ur protection it is sooo not smart! #2) Suicide is never the answer! simply go and lift deep breathes, or see a theripist #3) U R SOOO NOT FAT!! ok, i noe 4th graders over ur cargo who r only 9 and they r narrowly even 4 feet, u r faultlessly FINE, and every girl feels close to they have margarine hanging sour their leg, my friend who is basically anorexic think she is fat, it is simply the social area we grow up surrounded by and dont worry in the order of it, unless ur doctor says u r flabby then dont listen 2 wat ur friends say-so!

How can I get more breast tissue?

Everybody feel down at one time or another. The key is to erudition how to deal beside it. The good article is that you know it's depression. Now it's time to find some help. Please contact a academy counselor or a therapist. It can really serve you out talking to a trained professional. You can lose counterbalance but until you change how your mind set is, in attendance is always going to be something. Don't be red. You should be proud that you have reach out. Seek help. I've done it and it feel good to permit that stuff out. You are so much more than the physical. I know that just by reading what you wrote. Good luck, I hope adjectives the best. =)

For woman, when you wear a trash bag around your chest what is this suppose to do?

killing your sealf is never the answer to eny thing
or drugs
jump get help
or try to do somthing to control it
resembling get a hoby to maintain your mind oof of it
or every time you fell like you have need of to make your sealf puke
or eliminate your sealf watch a movie or read a book to hold your mind oof of it

ParaGuard IUD. Scheduled to get one and be wondering if anyone had any serious complications/side effects.?

You entail to immediately telephone a phone helpline or 9-1-1, or, you should go to the emergency room and agree to them know how you feel. They should know how to get you the help out you need.

Find a consultant who is a good listener and is attentive to your ambience.

If deep down inside you don't want to perceive bad in the order of yourself, then things will turn righteous in your favor...only take the first few steps. It other seems similar to your alone and no one understand. When you feel discouraging, unfortunately, relations go along near what you feel, and they are not supportive. You are the individual one who can reach down and pick you up. You are stunning, and you are well worth person happy and prosperous.

And module of being cheery is being free from other's opinion about what you obligation to do to get better.

And remember... are merry and blessed because I said so.

I have be on my Othro Evra birthcontrol pills for a little while 3months.?

First, how weak are you? You are not fat. You requirement to learn to love yourself. It is not what you look close to, but what is in your heart, who you are. You necessitate to see someone. Start by seeing your doctor. You are beautiful inside and when you are bullish, you glow. You probably obligation to see a psycologist. If money is an issue, start with a university counselor. Most of important, you MUST catch help. You are self destructive at this point.

Toe staple under skin!?

Go see a psychiatric therapist. You are beautiful i used to get the impression fat but the truth is your not it is a short time ago we think that we adjectives need to be super model skinny when we don't. you are stunning the way you are

I hope this helps1


Please see a doctor or tell your parents. If its too hard to relay them just print out your request for information and show them. You seem amazingly depressed and need to go and get help. If you be aware of alone and you cannot go on. That your gonna commit suicide beckon this hotline for free 1-800-SUICIDE* 1-800-273-TALK. 1-800-799-4TTY (4889). No one should ever feel that path. You can get give support to. As for the eating and later throwing up, tell someone and receive some help until that time it leads to bulimia. Depression is a chemical disparity in your brain, you did not result in this. Doctors have treatments to oblige this. Depression is a disease that is cause you to feel that instrument. Just remember what Christina Aguilera sings "You are beautiful"

Ladies- Tampons, How Many?

Please talk next to your doctor ASAP. Your friends and family don't take to mean because this is a severe illness and not a soul really understands illnesses.

This one wants specific professional help and your have need of that help very soon. In the meantime, even if it's just until you receive to see your doctor and even if that's first thing within the morning, find your city's suicide hot line and ring up them. They can help, too. They can't substitute for that professional back, but they can help you long satisfactory to get the backing you need.

No one here can serve you to find out why. That's the work that you will have to do, next to that professional help.

How can i *GAIN* weightiness?PLEASE HELP ME?

Sometimes you almost forget who you are
when you're in a shopping precinct, a city street, or an airport,
when something touches your heart on the news,
surrounded by times of tragedy,
when someone dies.
you stop for a minute and notice adjectives the people around you,
adjectives those hundreds of people
different in every instrument, trying to make something of themselves
and you wonder who they are and where on earth they're going.
The kids that stare at you with innocent eyes,
Blind society and busy business women who are absurdly impatient,
Newlyweds on their honeymoons,
and contained by that moment, right before you snap put money on into reality,
you realize how big the world is.
and how little it matter what you look like
how pointless it is to debate your worthiness,
that it will still spin on without you.

How do I loose this stomach?

hey... i be suicidal for six years and had an consumption disorder for five. i understand. i still find myself covering up adjectives my feelings and going around beside a stupid smile on my face. someone even nickname me sunshine because i'm always "sunny." YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. life is frozen, and it really sucks sometimes. there are immensely few things i have held on to my entire duration, because most of my life is one big regret or mistake or doesn`t matter what. but today i learned four words that i will hold on to with my the rest of my duration: this, too, shall pass. parley to people. address to anyone. ANYONE. people guardianship, and people mull over you are beautiful. i am 5.6 and be 85 pounds at my low point. i was particularly sick. i still struggle, but i don't want to see anyone sink that low! it was awful! i loathed my life so much, and i lived to not munch through. i have come so far since next, but please, just speak to someone, and don't get mixed up next to eating disorders. they are NOT GOOD and DEFINITeLY not tough, no matter what citizens say. they are not diets, and they can slay. they are relentless. they are dangerous. suicide is not an odds. you have friends. ruminate about how much they would miss you. however much you reckon they would, they would miss you a million times more. i have see toooo many race die because of self destruction. please talk to someone. even if they don't follow. get it out. call for a suicide prevention hotline. go to support groups. it help.

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