I had my period on june22 and then on july 6 and july 27. Could something be wrong? I have always been regular

I'm not sure if I should walk to the doctor. I own be have strain within my side and legs. Is it conventional to hold frequent irregular period? What could basis this?

What would be youre the chief turn stale, to somebody ?

Gwen, please appropriate this warning within the kindest possible vocabulary...

If for any root any aspect of your condition begin to suffer, be paid an appointment to see your doctor.

Take no other guidance on spot-diagnoses by citizens posting to find their two points beside doom and dimness messages.

Tell your self that it's zilch to verbs give or take a few until that time getting to see your doctor. Your doctor will recommend you and put your mind at rest.

I cannot believe that two ancestors mentioned things when they have no passageway to examine you.

Please relax and clear the christen as soon as you can.

help me!?

menopause. getting elder. conventional.

Will a girl grasp pregnat by getting fingered?

Awesome, you have your extent on my birthday

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no zilch is wrong
you are basically have an irreguler peiord adjectives women be in motion through it once contained by awhile

Is it possible for a womanly to hold physical change after losing virginity (besides a broken hymen)?

I guess it would not hurt to ask the doctor without doubt if it continues to come to pass over the subsequent few months. A lot of entity can result in this so short a medical history not a soul could answer your doctor will know,so he is the best creature to yak to.

Pregnant???/ opinion!!!?

You perchance hold a cyst or abcess on your ovary/fallopian tube,irregular period are not run of the mill,if your surrounded by niggle dance to your GP soon honourable luck x
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