Any one taking Cymbalta,effects and why did you hold it? Any one use it for HOT FLASHES?

Went to the doctors for hot flashes that make me physically ailing. I have them 24/7 to the point I can't even wear makeup. I own tried herbs,creams,diet and everything else I hold heard that would backing them stop. Nothing has worked. My mother and sister's have a bad time next to this also. They decided to jump back to hormone replacement. My doctor insist to try this first. I own not found any where that this is used for THE CHANGE and they are giving me a fruitless headache. I still have the hot flashes but doc said it will run a couple of weeks before it will work and for my body to return with used to them. Need help,I do not want to progress a couple of weeks on then enjoy to tapper off to be put on the prempro if this is not even a medication for menopause. Has any one else used this drug, what for and how long did it lug to work? Thank You any information would be helpfull.

Penis reduction?

I must confess I never hear of Cymbalta before and I promise to do some research, BUT, I am researching adjectives the time anything new that appears any on the market or contained by research and the only current thing that appeared contained by a research was Rhubarb. They did not voice in what agency you can take it singular that trials showed it might work to ease hot flashes. I myself am taking hormone patch already 20 years. I have severe hot flashes close to you said, 24/7 and I just could not bar it and even though I tried to get of hormones I purely gave up and even though I know the risks, I will verbs to use them.

Masterbating question?

I took Cymbalta for 2 months for depression. From what the doctor said and what I hold read from the Internet, this drug was designed for depression. I am 53 and hold hot flashes, too. Cymbalta never helped me near the flashes. It did help near the depression for a short while until I went surrounded by WalMart and once I was surrounded by (which I've been here hundreds of times), I got confused, alarmed, and disoriented. Finally after 20 minutes wondering what to do, I saw the sunlight from the front door and managed to cranium towards the door to get out! Those episodes happen several times after that. My doctor thought I was have mini strokes. She wanted to run test on me. I decided I would look up adjectives of the side effects from this drug and confusion and disorientation were two of them! It made me mad that my doctor did not take in for questioning the systems to be side effects from the drug SHE prescribed. I quit the drug & I have not have an episode since. I also quit seeing the doctor.

Do some more research. Oh, for the Hot Flashes, I tried all the herb and stuff you can imagine. Prempro works but I don't similar to the side effect of it either. When one comes on right away drink some ice cold river! It helps swift! Good luck.

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