What foods should I avoid so I don't seize bloated. what else can I do?

Answers:    i used to always procure bloated after a meal more or less a year ago i got really off-colour and my stomach just stayed bloated for nearly a month i went to the doctors and it turned out that i have a wheat intolerance - after i cut out all wheat foods i never procure bloated anymore. maybe you may hold an intolerance to a certain food. get hold of your GP to check it out.

if not later maybe you own a sensitive stomach, kinda like sensitive skin. surrounded by which case i would avoid big rich food such as spicy meals, too much carbs, red wine, even too much fruit could set it sour.
Hope i helped.
Good luck.
avoid chinese or indian food. avoid soda. and ovioulsy avoid flavoursome foods.

these things are quite deelishous. but if u dont wanna bring back bloated then avoid them.
avoid anything that is to say high contained by sodium, such as the ever popular culprit Chinese food. a lot of soups too so as low within calorie or fat a soup might be it could be HIGH surrounded by sodium. drink lots and lots of watter to flush it all away Any food near too much oil, something fried because of the gas surrounded by it.
Fizzy drinks.
Anything high within sodium too.

And if you do get bloated, try some nice yogurt close to activia to ease the notion.

Good luck

Avoid salty foods and foods that wreak gas (spicy, fatty foods). Also they say if you drink lots of dampen it actually help your body to not retain water and variety you feel bloated.

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