Gardasil vaccine?

I am getting my first Gardasil vaccine tomorrow. For those who have have it, where do they usually inject it? Did you hold any problems after you got it? And is it protected? I am a freak about needles, and I'm really worried, haha.

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i've had 2 of the shots so far. contained by my upper left arm. the one and only problem i had beside it is that it HURTS your arm for a while at the site of the injection. because it goes right into your muscle, it feel like a TB shot. perchance it's just me. who know.

it's safe--don't worry. it's for your own accurate. every girl should get this. so masses girls i know have HPV and they are so laid back about it. i'm sorry, i don't want that! even if it doesn't turn into cancer or wart, i like to construe that i am free of all sexually transmitted diseases/conditions.

Is this ordinary? what could be wrong?

I just get my second Gardasil vaccine about three weeks ago. The first one I didn't even surface at all. The second one stung for a while going in, but it really wasn't that bad. They present it to you in your arm. The solitary thing afterwards, be that it itched a little where on earth they gave it to me and the subsequent couple of days it was open-handed of sore. It's really no big deal though, plus it's profusely better than getting cervical cancer. :)

I have my term and filled a Super Plus tampon surrounded by an hour.?

There was a intensely slight prod from the needle. I'm not sure fairly how to describe it, as it wasn't even a pinch.
The actual vaccine was a little humiliated, as they had cooled it, so the liquid be cold beforehand. Though, this is sadly typical.
I have some slight discomfort right after the vaccine as I felt the medication spread through my arm, but it quickly warm in my body. They inject it into the upper arm, and beside me, there be very little skin to turn through.
Have fun, I actually fairly enjoyed it :)

What US pharmacy carry the female condom?

I've have two already. It's in your arm. Move your arm around after you grasp it or it will hurt worse. I was really anxious too, they had to hold me down. Don't be dramatic it lately makes it worse. It's safer than have cirvical cancer.

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I'm not going to sprawl, the first one didn't hurt at all. But the second two made me have a feeling like my arm be going to fall sour. I got the third one today and it hurt more or less twice as bad as a tetanus shot. I bet it hurts smaller quantity than HPV and cancer though.

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