Is here anyway to stop your period completly, but consequently bring it back following?

Periods are a bother, esp for me :( Uhm, well, uh, yeah, they are such a hassel, and seeing as i'm merely 14, I don't plan on having kids anytime soon. So could I stop it until I'm approaching 25+ or something? And then bring it rear legs, if I should decide to enjoy children?... I'm an active sporty party, but tampons are not an option, and sanitary towels catch in the approach, this might be my best alternative..

I need girls relieve *again* please?

You can take birth control pills and skip the break. You should know however that doctors influence that having a term every now an consequently diminishes the chance of getting cervical cancer.

Old Wives Tale or Legitimately True?

It's outstandingly unnatural, but there are birth control forms that rescheduling this. You could possibly do damage to your reproductive system beside all unnatural methods.
I don't know if it will completely disappear, but some of these treatments trade name it so you will only hold a few per year. The other factor is if it is indicated for someone your age.

Cyst, birthcontrol, Pregnant?

Why are tampons not an option?

You could other try to go on Seasonale, where on earth you should only bring back four periods a year.

There is something that can "stop" period, but I would never ever ever recommend it because it has horrible side affects similar to weight gain, moodiness, spotting at irregular times, etc.

Please advice. pregnant and own a huge fibroid.?

nOOOO PLzz dont do any thing if you obligation help stir to your doctor and get some direction from him and if you need any piece else go on that site and look around what you requirement

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I'm not sure it's possible for that time frame. There are birth control methods, like the Depo Provera shot that can stop your period while you're on it, but they're only really recommended for 3 to 5 years at a time. You can clutch regular pill packs wager on to back, skipping the inoperative week to stop your period, but that's also provisional, and most women just do that to kind sure they won't have their time on, say prom darkness, or their wedding afternoon.

You can ask your doctor about whether any of these option are right for you, but I don't think you're going to achieve 11+ years of no periods.

My friend is 7 days unpaid on her period.. and the pregnancy audition was distrustful..?

The contraceptive inplant stops or slightens your periods altogether and is inserted into your arm underneath the skin, It is the size of a trimmed down little nail.

For more information, communicate to your school nurse.

What plastic applicators are colored contained by tampon brands? What are the brands & have u ever see aqua/teal color?

You can take the birth control pills that manufacture you not get a spell. However, your doctor might not reccomend you do that. Your menstral cycle is a normal women function. It keep your body healthy.

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well, I am probably going to get closely of thumbs down, but my doctors (yes, plural) have adjectives told me it is no problem at all to of late take the pill non-stop and with the sole purpose stop taking it once a year, I have be doing this for over 7 years and love not having period (tampons aren't an option for me either) BTW the period women have while using te pill over NOT REAL PERIODS, it be invented so it makes taking the birth control pill LOOK more intuitive, but that's complete nonsense...ask your doctors in the order of it, I did research on this subject.

My last term was Feb 8th and be normal when should i bring a pregnacy test?

no, within is no way to do that. and why would you want to you should be proud of your womanhood and cherish what you enjoy that many women suffer of not have. You do not want to risk you chance of have a baby and remember this is a women's present. Many girls around the wrold are moving and have alike problem as you, you dont se serena williams, or tyra banks complaining. I imagine it is time for you to confront that you are a women and live with it newborn.

Girls only please?

It is really 100% possible.

All birth control pills stop your period if taken 100 percent of the time. Some companies go a months worth of pills with a different pill for your spell. Basically these period pills are a sugar pill so you are in actual fact not taking birth control when taking this 2nd type of pill.

Talk to your doctor and your parents. There are companies that sell birth control that concluding the entire month and prevent your period, unlike the typical birth control that have the 2nd pill discussed earlier.

My nipples sting!! please support?

thare are options avaliable... ask ur doctor.. but contained by my openion, don;t do this... there are several woman are within soprts... and they are doing best in their job beside this period also... this is a fluent thing... and i reflect on one should not interfers the natural processes of body... god know what bwill be the side effects if u stop the periods... I enjoy seen that girls whose period are not regular are suffering form weight gain... bleak health...

My suggestion is plz don;t stop the length.

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