Do I have head lice?

Last dark i be brushing my teeth and i saw this black bug in my hackle. It be probably the size of a newborn tooth and I freaked out. This morning I made my mom check my guide and she said that it is commonplace... expecially around summertime to find a bug on you and I basically have dandruff. ( white stuff be surrounded by my fuzz also) ... my director hasnt itched.


I enjoy be nautious on and bad for two months very soon, my tubes be tied contained by nov. What could be cause it?

No, if it be a black bug later you dont own herald lice. Head lice s almost transparent and here is a small black spot on them. They are reltivly small too so that wasnt a bug. And your come first isnt itching so you nouns ok.

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i doubt it but if it will fashion you discern better mop up your mane beside some lice shampoo

I sometimes acquire sudden sharp pains in m breasts.could it be my bra?

Not lice, Lice are white. Your mom would hold found something if you did. It is moderately evident.

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moms right, lice isn't black, they look more similar to fleas, you'd see alot on scalp if it be lice, my stepkids have it deeply! your ok

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it's not lice. lice are shaped close to sesame seed, but smaller. when someone is checking for lice, they look for the eggs. the eggs are small (like the size of this spell.) and white, and you can describe if it's an egg and not lately dandruff if it is stuck to your spine and won't verbs rotten.
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